Core Competencies

Critical Thinking

I feel as though I properly demonstrate Critical Thinking in the climate in Canada assignment because I needed to identify certain things about the biome such as the Atmosphere, Geosphere, Hydrosphere and Biosphere. It was also reacquired that I draw and identify biotic and abiotic things in the biome such as rocks, trees, bushes, animals, ground. That is how I think I demonstrated Critical Thinking.

Edible DNA Lab

How does this model show:

What DNA is: DNA is a self replicating organism that exists in almost every living thing. It is the main component of chromosomes and is the carrier of genetic information.

What DNA does: It contains all the instructions need for and animal to develop, survive and reproduce. To do this sequences that must be converted into proteins.

How easily DNA can copy itself: It starts with the separation of the DNA strands, the priming of the template strand and the assembly of the new DNA segment

What further questions do I have after building this

What answers can I find to answer my questions: My question is why is DNA a double helix structure

Answer: To maximize the efficiency of base-pair packing

Core competencies and goal

Critical thinking

I feel as though I have grown in my critical thinking for example, in the elements of the periodic table unit, we had a test on the periodic table including Bohr models and questions about chemicals and how they were arranged on the table along with identifying physical and chemical changes I feel as though I demonstrated critical thinking all through out that unit. Another thing I think that accurately demonstrates critical thinking is the energy sway and how we had to acquire information and then identify a problem and voice your concerns about said problem. 

My Goal

My goal is to be more engaged in class and try to complete my homework faster so that I don’t get super stressed.

Energy Sway and MLA letter

Dear honorable George Heyman I would like to voice multiple concerns about surface mining a mount polley.

In 2014 the dam outside of the mine broke and flooded the mine multiple people were injured and the mine was shut down and re-opened in 2022 I’m worried that another similar accident might occur do to past structural damage. The MT. Polley mine used to be one of the largest copper deposits in Canada but ever since the flood there has no longer really been any use for it how ever there is some ore left to be mined but it’s also a very dangerous site to work at. My concern is that the dam might break once again and injure or possibly kill any of the workers there. I think that the mine should be shut down and never reopened or closed until they properly fix the dam so that no one else will be injured at this site.

ASK: The questions I asked were how does the type of mine effect the environment, how can large mining machinery can effect the environment and how does the production of mount polley help BC over all.

ACQUIRE: I used multiple search engines such as Google, Youtube, Pexels citation machine.

ANALYZE: I found accurate information to answer my questions

ASSESS: I feel like the project went well but I also feel like I could have added more too my sway but I think it went well.

Rob 23 volts

Purpose: Which fruit will produce the most electric voltage.

Hypothesis: I think that the lemon will produce the most charge because the are famously known for having a good electrical current.

Materials: 1 voltmeter, 2 wires, 1 nail, 1 copper strip, at least three fruits/vegetables.

Procedure: put down your fruit stick your copper and your nail in hook up your wires to the voltmeter and boom.

Reasoning: My reason for choosing a lemon is because I think the juice will be very conductive.


Potato: 5 volts

Lemon: 3 volts

Pear: 3 volts


Using the copper and the galvanized nail along with wires and fruit we made an electrical circuit. Imagine the copper had a negative charge and the nail had a positive one then connect positive to negative to make the circuit. you need to make sure your copper and nail are firmly planted in your fruit.

How to Make a Super Cool Lemon Battery for the Science Fair | Kids Activities Blog Lemon Battery - Science World Simple electrical circuits

Periodic table feedback reflection

  1. What I know well about about the periodic table: I know where most of the elements are located, how there are organized, a lot of the terms for chemical reactions, how to describe the elements, which ones are solids, liquids or gases.
  2. What I still need to work on regarding the periodic table: I need to be more familiar with some of the materials as well as the alkaline elements and some more of the specific properties.
  3. What I wonder about the periodic table: I wonder if the are any other elements, elements that we cannot see with our current technology but then again that could be considered something entirely different. If they were categorized the same then I wonder how many there would be.
  4. What goals will I set to understand the periodic table: My goals will be to get more engaged in class activities and ask more questions.

My safety story

One day during a lesson in science our group were having an ethical dilemma about the different elements and how to handle them and what to watch out for in the the dangerous ones and how when handling the elements you need to were proper protection. After the fact Mr. Robinson told the the class we where going to have a lab during which we would be handling some of them including the dangerous ones such as Mercury, Lead, Chromium,  Carbon monoxide, etc… First before we were allowed to do the lab we had to take a safety test. This is what it looked like.

Answer the questions:

What is the meaning of this symbolImage result for consumer hazard symbols Answer: chemicals with explosive properties.

What is the meaning of this symbol        Answer: flammable materials that can self ignite when in contact with air or water.

What is the meaning of this symbol        Answer: chemicals that are toxic to the environment and wild life.

What is the meaning of this symbol Image result for consumer hazard symbols Answer: Substances that are harmful to humans if inhaled, ingested or come in contact with the skin.


The next day during class Mr. Robinson had multiple stations set up with different elements to examine. Once all the table groups were ready we began the class, examining all the elements safe or dangerous. The lab seemed to be going well, We had a lot of cool lab equipment to use Like a ring stand. A ring stand is used to support a Bunsen burner we also used the Bunsen burner. The Bunsen burner is used to heat up chemicals.  We used the burner to heat up the chemicals to see if there would be any reaction and then record it if there was one. We also had test tubes test tubes are used to hold liquid along with that we also had a test tube stand used to hold test tubes. To go with the Bunsen burner we had wire gauze meant to be placed under the Bunsen burner. Finally we have the wire brush that is used to clean the test tubes. The lab was going well everyone was demonstrating proper safety measures to ensure that no one got hurt. Groups were doing stuff like clearing the walkways and wearing eye protection, walking slowly and taking their time but there was one back pack that hadn’t been cleared away, the student tripped and spilt liquid mercury all over himself, the  student was immediately rushed to the hospital thankfully they had no major injuries. This was an example of unsafe conduct and something that everyone should be aware of. after all that we completed the lab with no further injuries all that happened was the reactions of the chemicals. THE END.

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