Podcast Unit

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My experiences working on this were mostly frustrating. For example after all of the research that me and my partner had done we had found out that we hadn’t gathered enough evidence for the video meaning that it was to short. So then we had to do more research in order to make it longer but then we met the requirements and it sounded good so in the end it worked out.

The path that our group took for researching was to individually research different aspects of our topics and then narrowing them down and answering the questions. We found most of our information on Gale in Context: Canada.

Obstacles we faced while recording were, as stated previously, the first recording we did wasn’t long enough. We realized that 6 minutes is actually a long time.

Some ways that I communicated my learning. One of them being the audio recording I feel it is a great way to share my findings with others another would be a written response. I actually find a written response to be better though, I feel as though it conveys more meaning and is easier to understand.


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