My Digital Footprint

How to Build a Positive Digital Footprint - Crystaline

Digital Footprint

How might your digital footprint impact your high school experience… It could have down side on your social life, like say if you were to post something about yourself online and people didn’t like whatever it is you did in the post.  this could make school life really hard for you, possibly losing friends or just becoming an outsider in general.  On the other hand, it could improve your social life at school, like if you’re posting positive messages and are friendly to everyone then it could have a very positive outlook on your school life in terms of being included or making more friends. It could also have a positive or negative impact with your teachers if they see your posts, especially if it’s there first impression of you. This would have a very large impact on how your teachers view you.

Throwback Thursday - Self Regulation - Wild Rose Caregivers Ltd.

Self Regulation

What techniques around digital self-regulation could you use during class time that could contribute to academic success… To properly regulate my self digitally, I could turn off notifications on my phone and/or put it on silent. Even better I could leave it in my locker until class is over. I could also limit myself to only using it in between classes that way I get it out of my system a little and am not as tempted to use it in class.  Then when I would get into class, I would shut it down and leave in my bag or before I get to class I go put it in my locker until it’s time for my next class.

Transforming School Culture: Shining the Light on a Hidden Gem - SchoolRubric

School Culture

What elements of school culture are necessary for you to be successful both academically and socially… I feel as though you must be aware of how you want to be successful and then find out a strategy that will best help you accomplish that. I feel as though everyone should really try to get involved and delve into there school life to be more successful like joining a club or a sports team, also every one should just generally have a more positive outlook on there school life so that they can be more involved because if your happy be at school and putting in the work I am sure that everyone can be successful at school.  We should appreciate the work that goes into creating the school culture like how the teachers and students create there own clubs for people to join or like how all the coaches arrange the volley ball or rugby games and all the students having fun at school as a community.


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