Dear honorable George Heyman I would like to voice multiple concerns about surface mining a mount polley.
In 2014 the dam outside of the mine broke and flooded the mine multiple people were injured and the mine was shut down and re-opened in 2022 I’m worried that another similar accident might occur do to past structural damage. The MT. Polley mine used to be one of the largest copper deposits in Canada but ever since the flood there has no longer really been any use for it how ever there is some ore left to be mined but it’s also a very dangerous site to work at. My concern is that the dam might break once again and injure or possibly kill any of the workers there. I think that the mine should be shut down and never reopened or closed until they properly fix the dam so that no one else will be injured at this site.
ASK: The questions I asked were how does the type of mine effect the environment, how can large mining machinery can effect the environment and how does the production of mount polley help BC over all.
ACQUIRE: I used multiple search engines such as Google, Youtube, Pexels citation machine.
ANALYZE: I found accurate information to answer my questions
ASSESS: I feel like the project went well but I also feel like I could have added more too my sway but I think it went well.