Walter Mitty Daydream 6

The firing squad took their aim, and unanimously pulled their triggers. The guns went bang and time seemed to move in slow motion. Walter bent down to a ninety-degree angle and dodged all the bullets. The firing squad was astonished to see Walter spring back up. Then, Walter leaped forward at the firing squad and pandemonium ensued. Walter knocked out all of them one-by-one. He thought he was done, but then he heard a voice behind him… “Walter what are you doing? Stop play fighting, we have to get going,” said Mrs. Mitty with an insolent tone. Embarrassed, Walter followed his wife out of the alley and onto the street. As they were walking to their car, Walter Mitty overheard a conversation two men were having on a bench, “have you heard of that new gangster Al Capone, from Chicago?” asked one of the men. “Yes, I hear he’s been causing some trouble,” replied the other man…

“Make sure you pay Jim a visit, and don’t forget about Tony. He still hasn’t payed back his debt,” said Walter “The Boss” Mitty to his henchman, while counting a stack of money. “The Boss’s” black fedora hat and suit made him look dangerous and mysterious. Suddenly, the doors to his office swung open and a henchman with a distraught look on his face ran in; “Boss! You have to get out of here! The cops are outside, they’re trying to break in!” Yelled the henchman. Walter “The Boss” Mitty slowly stood up from his expensive tiger skin chair, and calmly walked down stairs and into his garage. He and two of his henchman got into the bullet-proof 1930 Chevrolet Series 40 Lincoln, and Walter stomped on the gas pedal. The car jolted forward and broke through the front gate, the police reacted quickly and were hot on Walter’s heels. They were gaining on him, and started firing at Mitty, one of the bullets shot through the car and almost hit Mitty. “Don’t just sit there! Shoot back!” Ordered Walter “The Boss Mitty”, when suddenly something struck his leg…

“Walter have you forgotten where we live? You missed the turn!” Yelled Mrs. Mitty. Red-faced from embarrassment, Walter made a U-turn and drove home.


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