gender equality

                                                                                          gender equality

gender equality has been a discussed topic for ages. In my opinion i think woman have it harder than men, and here is why. let’s start off with forced marriage, it’s not such a common thing nowadays but it used to be. Now i’m sure that you know what forced marriage is but you may not know much information on it so i will give you some more information on this. let’s start off with how this was never the girls choice, in an article i read it was saying how the mens family would pay the women’s parents so that they could have their daughter marry the mens family’s son. Now i find that very shocking, i knew forced marriage was always a thing but i never knew that this is what they would do and to add on to that the women’s parents would tell their daughter that they could finally study at a better university and move to a better country like Canada and sometimes this was true and sometimes it wasn’t. the next topic i will talk about is uneven education, in a different article i read it was talking about how still to this day education for men and women are still uneven which means men are still getting more education than women. in my opinion i strongly think that by this day the education should have been even by now and i find this shocking too since it has been many years with this problem and it still hasn’t been fixed. for my last topic will be about lack of employment equality, in the same topic i read about for the uneven education i also read about uneven jobs. It was saying how only 6 countries in the world give woman the same work rights as men and the same pay. once again i had thought that by now it would all be equal but clearly it still isn’t which when you think about it really isn’t fair. Imagine a single mother working the same high paying job as a man but the man still makes more money, it really is not fair especially when the mother is trying so hard to give her kids a happy and easy life. in conclusion i think that women still have it harder than men and nothing is equal yet even tho it should be.