My Best Photos

I really like this photo because you can see the details of the tree and its clear. this photo was for the macro project and i feel that it was one of my best photos that i took for this project. something I learnt was how to take a picture up close with a macro-Lense and without a macro-Lense. this project was challenging because it took me awhile to figure out how to make the pictures super clear. this picture could be improved if the background was less blurry.

this is my dog Charlie, Charlie loves getting this photo taken. I went home to do a photoshoot of my dog and this is the one I chose to upload for my project. This assignment was the themes assignment my theme for this photo was black and white. i learned how to use the camera settings to back the photo black and white. the hardest part was keeping my dog still. I liked that my dog was looking straight at the camera. this photo could have been better if my dog was more centered.



My guide

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