Week 1 – Math 10 – How I use math

If you think about it math is used in so many different ways around the whole world. theres so many different things and jobs where no matter what you have to use math, for example if you own a business and you are selling things that involves math. Because people will be buying off of you and thats how you would be making your money and then as money starts coming in you would want to start counting  it to see a total of how much you have made. another way you use math is when your with your friends or family and you guys were to order a pizza, you’d have to count how many of you there are and split it evenly. one last way you use math in your life is anytime you go to any store to buy any type of items you use math because you have to pay so you always have to add up everything your buying to know the total, or when you have to count your money so you can pay.

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