information fluency

part 1:


1. Do we use wind energy in BC?
2. Is wind energy useful
3. Where is wind energy used the most
4. Why do they use wind energy?
5. Is wind energy good for the environment
6. Is wind energy safe
7. Does wind energy create lots of energy or little energy?

Benefits of wind energy;
The benefits of Wind energy are that it is a good way to produce energy because it doesn’t pollute the air and is good for the environment and doesn’t harm the environment which is always a good thing it also does not cost as much as other ways to produce energy

Photography of FactoryDOES NOT POLLUTE

Challenges of wind energy;
The challenges of wind energy is If the site does not have lots of wind or any wind, there is little to none energy being produced also that these sites are usually far from population and cities so it costs money and takes time to get the electricity and energy to the people who are in use of it and they also need to spend money on getting it to the cities and population because the sites are quite far which is a challenge but van easily be faced.

Person Holding Debit Card

Issues of wind energy;
Issues among wind energy is that the giant blades that produce the energy also produces lots of noise and has also caused many deaths of birds and bats that have flown into it with out knowing and have died.

Birds Flying Over Body Of Water During Golden Hour

What recommendations I would give Justin Trudeau about wind energy;
My recommendations to Justin Trudeau are that we should have more wind energy sites but not to many because lots of are birds will die but still a couple because they are not very expensive and we can spend the money we save on more resourceful things to help Canada I also recommend that he thinks more about environmentally safe things instead of just thinking what’s more cost efficient because were just ruining are planet and are country.

Bridge over River in City

part 2

1 what question did you need to research to research your topic
Benefits of wind energy, challenges of wind energy, issues with wind energy
2 what new or familiar tools did you use as you worked through this project
I used familiar tools like google and pexels for pictures
3 what was the process you used to investigate your topic
First, I came up with questions then I searched up some questions I was given then put them in to my own words then wrote it down
4 how did u cite and verify the information you found
I sited my information by copying the website so someone could easily find the website I used and cited that I used pexels for images.
5 how did the process of completing this challenge go. What could you have done better?
The process went good not really any struggles of problems along the way. What I could of done better is instead of only using a couple of websites I could of searched more in depth



201: Wind Energy Benefits & Challenges
pexels by chris leboutillier
pexels by pixabay
pexels by Johannes Plenio
pexels  by pixabay


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