My strengths from the atomic theory unit were finding and understanding the trends found on the periodic table. I was very quick to find the pattern on the table that tells the electronic arrangement of an atom. My biggest weakness was that a lot of the information was word based not number based. To me numbers make more sense than words so in a unit where a lot of the information is written or verbal, I tend to take longer to grasp it. In the bonding unit my biggest strength was drawing and making the Lewis and VSEPR diagrams of chemical bonds using the figures given during the stereochemistry lab. My weakness in bonding was remembering the polarity of bonds. When given a molecule for most of the unit, I did not know how to determine if it was made of polar or non-polar bonds. Finally, my strengths in the mole unit were as I previously mentioned, numbers make a lot more sense to me than words so after working on the unit for a few days everything started to click in my head and the unit became a lot easier and more fun to do. I enjoy problem solving questions where I am given a unit of an element and must determine how much of that element I would have in a different unit. My biggest weakness when working on the mole was that for the couple of days before I understood the unit, I had no idea how to convert any of the units. It took me longer than usual to understand it but once I did the unit it was fun.
Chemistry 11 Core Competency Self Assessment