Public broadcasting is a broadcasting service that is paid by taxpayers that anyone who has access to the media can use. Canada has their own public broadcaster called CBC or the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Since 1932 when they first started under the name CRBC or Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission they have achieved new goals such as having a coast-to-coast live broadcast in 1958 or becoming the official source for the Olympics in Canada in 1976. Public broadcasting has its advantages over private because of the fact that it is not fully paid for by advertisers so they do not need to monitor what they air in fear that one of their sponsors will not like the content. That being said some people do not like public broadcasters because though it is government funded they still do get advertisers to further fund their content. Public broadcasters also do not make content that everyone will want to see but even if they do not use it every taxpayer needs to pay for the public broadcasting in their country. There are some ways that public broadcasters can appeal more to their audience while sticking to their mandate such as trying to air more shows that the general public would want to see.

Canadian Public Broadcasting

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