I can get new ideas in areas in which I have an interest and build my skills to make them work, I did this when I had to do a project on Minecraft. It is a game that I have an interest in and have spent a lot of time playing in my own time. Though it was not the same version of Minecraft I would normally play it is similar enough that I still enjoyed it a lot. It was fun to get to make my ideas come to life using an app that I like to play. After having made my ideas in Minecraft I had to record it and show what I had done which was easy enough. I get ideas when I use my senses to explore. This is shown most often outside of school but sometimes it happens in school too. For example the time we went on a walk through the forest and had to write a journal about it. Walking around and getting to see all the things I would later write about made the writing process a lot easier to complete. I have interests and passions that I pursue over time. As previously mentioned, I have played Minecraft for a long time and it has become an interest that I like to use when I get the chance to.

An interest I have is planes and becoming an air traffic controller as my dream job. Unfortunately it is not something that is very easy to get into, but it is something I would love to work towards as a big goal in life. I can multitask and organize myself very well and I know those are 2 things that are very important in that field. I make my ideas work or change what I am doing. An example of doing this would be that I can’t use the same app for everything and every project I do. I have to change what I am doing even when I am more comfortable using one of the apps. Getting pushed out of my comfort zone isn’t always fun but it helps a lot in me learning more ways to show what I know.

CC Self Assessment
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