Our rube Goldberg machine, the “plant waterinator” was made to over complicatedly water a plant when an alarm goes off or someone calls the phone laying on it.
Starting with Step A, the phone gets called, triggering it to vibrate, light up and make noise, causing step B. In step B, the wheel moves down from the phone vibrating, in the wheel is a marble. The marble drops out and starts step C. Step C is the dominos falling and causing the next to fall and the next and the next. They lead to another marble which falls and causes step D. Step D involves the marble falling into a pulley. The other box in the pulley flicks a lever and that starts step E. In Step E, the cup of water sitting on the lever tilts and pours water on the plant. Step A is a representation of electromagnetic energy transforming into sound, light and mechanical energy. Step B shows gravitational energy transforming into mechanical energy.