The Cosine Law week 17

This week I learned the cosine law and how to solve triangles while using the law. The cosine law is used to solve the third side length of a triangle. There are 2 formulas for the cosine law one is used to solve a side length and the other formula is used to solve a missing angle or \ theta. The formula used for the side length is a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A.  The beauty of the cosine formula is that you can re arrange and find any letter you want without making any negative variables so it makes it easier. The angle formula is the formula that I used for my example to figure out an angle. And with cosine its not only solving right angle triangles but other ones as well. And if the triangle has 2 angles given to you then you can subtract the 2 angles from 180 to get the third angle so you don’t need to use the cosine law at all. In my example I had to find 2 angles using the rearranged cosine law formula and I substituted the letters to make it less confusing for me. I found solving triangles with the cosine law pretty easy because you just need to substitute the letters that you are looking for.

My example with the rearranged cosine formula. And after you get the answer make sure to inverse cosine to get the angle!


Blog Post Week 10 – Finding the Discriminant

Today I decided to do my blog post about how to find the discriminant in a quadratic equation. The discriminant is used to find if an equation has 2 solutions or no solutions. An equation can have no solution if the discriminant is negative and if the discriminant is positive it has 2 real solutions. And if the equation is not equal to zero then you have to rearrange it so it will equal to zero. I did my example with that kind of quadratic equation. Then when you rearrange it you substitute the variables with the numbers given and then you calculate your discriminant and see how many solutions. It was the easiest for me to do because it didn’t involve a lot of steps or any factoring.

My example that I chose to complete and show the steps how to do it.


Blog post week 9 Modeling Problems with Quadratic Functions

This week I learned how to model problems using quadratic functions. The first step you do is make an equation in factor form because it will be a lot easier to find the roots. With the factor form formula you are able to find the axis of symmetry which will be you x intercept.

(x-x1)(x-x2) This formula is the factor form formula. So after you find the value of x you just substitute it into your equation. With my example I first had to use the rise/run to find my slope and after I found my slope I used the slope point formula.

y-y1=m(x-x1) This is the slope point formula.

Then you just substitute your values to get your equation. After you use a formula that helps you find the revenue of a certain object that is for sale. After you got that equation substitute your values again and then find the axis of symmetry or rearrange the equation. Then to find the axis of symmetry take your x value and divide it by 2. Then you will get your price and answer. For my example it has 2 answers but I mostly got $5. In this chapter I found the rearranging confusing but after I did more questions I understand how to arrange from different forms to the forms that I need in order to solve the quadratic equation. And if you get stuck just use standard form to get a vertex and then draw it on your parabola because you will find the axis of symmetry a lot faster and your x intercepts. This is what I learned in Math 11 pre calculus in this week.


this week. My example is number 6 in the workbook.


Finding parabola characteristics week 8 Block A

Last week I learned how to find a vertex, the x intercepts, y intercetps, the domain and range, the axis of symmetry, minimum or the maximum and if the parabola opens up or down. By using the formula y=a(x-p)2         

With this formula I am able to find the vertex with the p+q values. The “a” tells me if the parabola compresses or stretches and the (x-p)2 tells me the horizontal translation. The formula at the top is in standard form which is the easiest to use. 

And with the standard form formula you can also use algebra to solve a missing variable so that your equation will be inm that form. In the example below I will show you how to find all of the characteristics of the following equations.

Here is my example and the equation is positive so my parabola will be opening up and if my equation was negative then it will be opening down. The a also tells me if the parabola opens up or down so the formula is easy to understand and use to find all of the characteristics. I also used desmos to see the y int which was 13. Desmos has been very helpful to me because then I can see how the parabola looks like and know the x and y intercepts. The standard form also tells me all of the information and their is enough to graph a lot of points. Remember when you are graphing a parabola make sure to have a lot of points because its a curve and not a straight line and if you are stuck make a table of values and it will make it easier to graph. That is what I learned in class last week and can’t wait to learn more about parabolas.


Annabel Lee Poem assignment

Annabel Lee Poem Analysis


The poem that was chosen is called Annabel Lee by Edgar Alan Poe and it is about his loved one who he met by a kingdom by a sea. The poem has a lot of repetition and it is a sad poem. The woman Annabel Lee has wisdom and Edgar Alan Poe really loved her. They met each other when they were kids and his love for her grew every year. The poem is also very romantic and it’s his memories about his loved one who passed away. Edgar Alan Poe’s poems are very dark or about his loved ones. But he was saying how he wants to lock her up in a room in the kingdom by the sea to protect her from dangerous situations. Edgar then said that he is upset that death separated them from each other. The poem doesn’t have a consistent rhyme scheme. The poem is tragic and beautiful, it also comes back to the rhyme “kingdom by the sea and “Annabel Lee”. The constant rhyming with these words sounds like a sad love song for his loved one. The way the poem doesn’t have a constant rhyme scheme it makes it more real and not one of those kid songs with a lot of rhymes that are cliché. The beautiful poem leaves me wanting for more and at the end of the poem Poe says that he lies at her tomb stone every night by the sea. That line shows how Poe is in very bad pain and how his heart is aching without her. This poem is seriously a love story and he never gave up on his loved one. Even after they got separated from each other, he also says that Annabel Lee was his angel and guardian from heaven which is so beautiful and sad. Edgar Alan Poe’s poems are just full of emotion which makes them unique and very interesting to read. The poem is a six stanza poem about his loved one. The two of the loved ones were supposed to get married until her death separated them from each other.


Be safe at work

The three things I will do to keep myself safe at work are: I will refuse if the job is dangerous, I will demand a very good training so I won’t get hurt, and the last thing I will do is ask for help if I need it.

The one thing I will do to keep others safe at work is. I will report a suspicious co worker if she is not doing anything.

Float your boat

Float Your Boat! – Scientific Method Project

Name:  Dasha.Olovyannikova                                                BLK: C


CHALLENGE: Make a boat that can float in water and hold the most amount of      pennies.

PROBLEM: Our boat was to thin



HYPOTHESIS:  (Use an “If…then…”statement)

If the tin foil is unfolds, then it will sink faster

If the marshmallow floats, then the boat will probably float



IDEA FOR ORIGINAL DESIGN:  Insert image and write a description explaining your thinking/reasoning as to why you chose that particular design

The marshmallow at the bottom should provide stability to the boat. And then the boat will float in the water bucket.



Our boat held 83 pennies



I will make it stronger and cut up the marshmallow into 4 pieces and attach them on all of the 4 sides so it has more balance and hold more weight.