Hello, this post will be about the digital footprint assignment in Math 9. I have 3 questions that I will answer to the best of my ability. I will also have 6 pictures with the writing in this post.


Questions: 1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? 2.Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe? 3. What information did I learn in the digital footprint class that I would pass on to other students?

  1. Your digital footprint is very influential to the jobs/schools you can possibly get into, in my opinion. A digital footprint is like a record keeping track of everything that you do on the internet, and people will use this record of you to assess if you are qualified for the job/school or not.


Example #1: If your boss finds pictures of you drunk and acting crazy on the internet irresponsibly, your chance of keeping that job is slim since your boss knows that you get really drunk and crazy during parties. It’s just a bad representation of yourself up on the internet for everyone to see.

Example #2: If you’ve done something bad in the internet and you want a high paying job or a job you like, your boss/ employer can check your internet profile and see what you have done and if it is bad or if you have left a good digital footprint.


2. Your digital footprint is something that is yours, and that will describe what you do on the internet. Sadly there are no buts, or what ifs with your digital footprint. It all depends whether or not you create a positive digital footprint for yourself.

  1. One thing that you could do to keep your own digital footprint safe is to be mindful of what you are posting online. I know that sound typical and I am sure that everyone is going to be saying that if you ask them this question but, think of the aftermath of everything you post. Think about the pros and cons, “Will this comment affect me positively, or will it affect me negatively in the long run?”   digital-footprint-photo-4
  2. Don’t be a jerk in comment sections and in discussion threads. Just like in real life, it’s your choice to be a jerk or to be a nice person. But someone that is kind and is willing to help and converse civilly with others is more welcome. I understand that not everyone is always kind and has perfect manners, but try your best to not be rude on purpose. Try to solve problems you have, and try to work towards being more positive which will in the long run help your digital footprint improve beneficially.
  3. Be in control of what you do. Don’t let others influence what you do on the internet. Be responsible with you posts and comments and try to constructively give advise/criticize.digital-footprint-photo-5






3. One thing that I have learned in the digital footprint class that I would pass on to other students is to not be mindless on the internet, and try to be positive and kind on the internet even though it might seem like that would be silly, try to be nice.

I am not saying that you should not do anything but be nice and always listen to others and have no opinion of your own, all I am saying is be a rational and down to earth person on the internet. Once you can see the line and you test whether or not you can cross it or not, you are not being rational. Just be nice 🙂

Thank you for your time and thank you for reading digital-footprint-photo-6