In this project we had to make a mock website of a website that we had interest in. I made a Club 16 mock website in Powerpoint. I wasn’t exact, but it was pretty accurate when it comes to the visuals.
I learned how to make an intractable website in Powerpoint, I didn’t know Powerpoint could do this so it was quite interesting to learn
I am proud that I got all the features that I wanted to implement to work and work nicely. it was tedious, but I am proud that I could complete the project and do a good job of make all he aspects well enough by my standards.
In this project we had to research a country in the world and make a Word document of it explaining it in detail and showing it off. I picked Romania
I learned how to make drop down menus in Word and how to insert different layers of text that create different layers of drop downs that hold info.
I am proud of the research I did, and the visuals I put in the project to make it look nice and presentable.
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