English 10-First they came for…

First they came for the Ukrainians

and I did not speak out

because I am not a Ukrainian


Then they came for the Indigenous peoples

and I did not speak out

because I am not an Indigenous peoples


Then they came for the Iranian women

and I did not speak out

because I am not an Iranian women


Now when will they come for me

because I was too busy or too apathetic

to defend my sisters and brothers?

Analyse d’un photographe portraitiste

Voici le processus d’obtention de mes coups finals:

le pose de modèle de la première photo (écouchées) n’était pas très bien comparée que la deuxième photo (finale). C’était la position de la visage. La deuxième photo était plus précis avec la photo originale.

L’expression du visage de la première photo (écouchées) n’était pas très bien comparée que la deuxième photo (finale). Aussi j’ai pris le photo vite alors ça regarde un peu flou. La deuxième photo était plus exacte avec la photo originale.

HCE 9 – English Assignment

“Birds On a Wire,” created by Banksy

A Migrant, life overseas thousands of miles away
Beyond borders, defeated smiles bearing sighs and tears array
The grey skies in their eyes are a disguise to hide
Love, compassion and happiness
Looses its meaning, when we access
Our hearts need to open, as I start with myself
We are all the same, in our own ways
Let’s embrace equality, the right to a place to live, have a humble home, safe and sound

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