Indigenous Exploration – Living Conditions

Here is my group project I did with Nadine about the living conditions of indigenous people.


Your experiences creating this assignment:

When creating thing project I had many new experiences. For example, I have never used the school microphones before so it was really fun using them for this project. I also wasn’t familiar with some of the online data basis that we used in the library for research.

Your group’s path in researching this topic:

When researching this topic me and my partner started off using the online data basis to collect information and afterwards we added all our information together in a shared word document. After that we created a script using all the information and gave each other lines to say. Finally we recorded and edited our podcast.

Obstacles or items that you learnt in recording:

Some obstacles I learnt while recording is that microphones are limited and we had to switch recording devices during the podcast. After the introduction the audio sound changes but we did our best to edit the changes as much as possible.

Option 2: Communication.. What are the ways you used to communicate your learning?

There many different ways I used to communicate with my learning during this project. My partner and I would communicate using a shared word document, texting and talking to share our different  information. We worked really well together and shared our many perspectives with each other.


2 Thoughts.

  1. Thank you for posting your “Indigenous Exploration” audio project (podcast). As the assignment was completed for both English 9 and COL, I have the following feedback for you on the post:

    – All elements of the assignment’s post were well done and properly uploaded
    – Reflection on blog explains process taken to complete the assignment, this could have been further developed, with apps you used, programs you used for downloading music, sources you gathered, etc.
    – Clear audio quality and delivery, I like how you faded the music and had it as background
    – Very well practiced and researched
    – Podcast is well done

    Overall, this assignment was well done. If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Thank you!

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

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