Equilibrium Project – Physics 12

I worked with Irene and Amaris in a group to make a Winter Wonderland themed project using equilibrium concepts. In this Equilibrium project, my group and I created a balancing act on a clothing hanger including different materials/components, including a present, snowflakes, and snowmen.

We were successful in creating a balance so that, after considering the centre of gravity, the total anticlockwise torque equals the clockwise torque. Although the overall left and right masses are somewhat different (0.1014 kg vs. 0.0951 kg), the hanger maintains its balance because of the difference in distance to the fulcrum. To account for the mass difference, we were able to determine that the centre of gravity is 0.00375m to the left.

The two snowmen differed by 0.01g, which looked like too little to make a difference, but the grammes kept shifting each time we attempted to measure them on the scale. However, the wrong equipment or technique used to measure the mass could be the cause of mistake. It is possible that they were each slightly off, which would have prevented that part of our project from being perfectly balanced even though technically it makes sense for them to be equal in mass and distance.

Français 12- Reflection on essential skills (Debate)

What was the most challenging element of the debate project for you personally? Did you overcome that challenge and if so, how did you do so?

The most challenging part of the debate was finding a good article about my topic. There weren’t too many that went in dept about it in French. It took a couple days to find a detailed one that included all aspects about the topic and explained it in a easy way for the class. Another big challenge was trying to finish the debate with the time we had. I feel like at the beginning we were given so much time to do the introduction but that time could have been used towards the entire debate in general. To resolve this challenge I just tried my best to make a to do list of what needed to be done in what order so I would use all my time in class wisely.

How did this project (as presenter or listener) change your perspectives?

This project changed my perspectives on certain subjects when I was a listener because during some of the debates my opinion was changed by the people who presented their ideas. It made me have an open mind seeing both sides of everyone’s debate. When I had to be on the other side of the debate then what I have originally picked I had a lot more ideas then I originally thought of.

What were you most proud of in your project?

I was proud of my oral part of the project, the presentation where I had to state my argument along with my debate partner. I practiced quite a few times but I was very nervous and stressed because I was away for a couple days before so I thought I wasn’t prepared enough.

Anatomy & Physiology 12 -CRISPR Modelling Activity

During our investigation of the DNA/Protein Synthesis unit, we learnt about CRISPR-Cas9, which we explored through the HHMI BioInteractive and the paper model demonstration.

The DNA editing system CRISPR-Cas9 includes two main parts. One of the parts of CRISPR-Cas9 is Cas-9, which stands for CRISPR associated protein 9. The other part CRISPR, stands for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. This method, nucleotides in the gene can be added, removed, or changed to edit DNA. Bacterial defense mechanisms use repeated DNA sequences called CRISPR. An enzyme called Cas-9 is created, and it attaches itself to DNA to cut it.

The Cas-9 Guide RNA complex searches for a DNA triplet known as PAM (protospacer adjacent motif) in order to target a certain gene. The guide RNA directs the Cas-9 to the exact place by matching the nucleotide sequence in the target gene.


This is the Cas-9 molecule with its guide RNA:

Cas9 is a DNA-cutting protein with a guide RNA that can identify the DNA sequence that has to be changed. If the RNA is a match, Cas-9 can complementary base pair with it because it unwinds the 5′ side of the DNA in relation to the PAM when it attaches to the PAM.

When RNA aligns with DNA:

Three nucleotides to the 5′ end of the PAM, the RNA and DNA create a double helix. The Cas9 complex unwinds a portion of the DNA after identifying and attaching to the PAM sequence. Cas9 will cut the DNA if the guide RNA and the target sequence match correctly.


The cleaved DNA molecule:

While a mutation will occur between the target DNA and the PAM, the enzymes that started out in the cell will attempt to repair the DNA split.


Two kinds of repairs are possible during the process of CRISPR:

One is known as NHEJ, or non-homologous end joining. The gene will most likely become inactive due to a random mutation that occurs when broken ends are not joined together using a template.

The other method is known as homology-directed repair (HDR), which uses a template for repairing the gene by either replacing a mutation with a non-mutated sequence or adding additional repair templates that the cell will use to heal the DNA break.



We can benefit from CRISPR-Cas9 in a lot of different ways, particularly in the areas of science and medicine. Because of its ability to modify DNA with extreme accuracy, scientists can correct gene errors that lead to illnesses. This technique can improve cancer research models and improve the treatment of genetic problems. Further, it supports farmers in producing more resilient crops that can endure severe weather and insects. With everything looked at, CRISPR-Cas9 offers great potential for future advancements.

Throughout this investigation, we recreated and explained the CRISPR process using a digital simulation alongside a paper copy. The two models that were used effectively represented the pieces and the important steps of the procedure. The investigation’s paper portion gave us a more practical and interactive means of describing how the nucleotides are put into the DNA to change the sequence. The paper model was unable to provide us with a 3-dimensional view that more accurately showed us the locations of each structure, but the online simulation was able to provide us with a more thorough explanation of the unwinding process of DNA as well as a better explanation of the CRISPR overall procedure. I think adding more information about how things change and exploring the complex aspects of the system could improve both models even more. I believe that using a more straightforward model that communicates the main idea in addition to other models that go further into certain aspects and procedures would improve the process’s general understanding. In the end, I think both models effectively clarified the nature of CRISPR and its components.


This is a video that helps explain the concept of CRISPR:

FRAL 11- Core Competency Self Reflection

I can get new ideas or reinterpret others’ ideas in novel ways. I can get new ideas or build on or combine other people’s ideas to create new things within the constraints of a form, a problem, or materials. An example is when we read the Mr. Ibrahim novel and had to do the class discussions because I built up my ideas and shared them with my peers, I also listened to theirs and included them into my work as well. I also expanded on my ideas when writing out in class essay.


I can connect my group with other groups and broader networks for various purposes. I think I could have communicated more when working on our final project. I was very stressed out in the beginning which led to me to not communicate as well as I wanted to. During the process of filming, I think I communicated very well. it was mainly the planning part.

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