Daniel's Blog

I'm You not me

Category: Science 9

Sammy Sperm Story

This is the story of Sammy Sperm

This is the life of Sammy Sperm.

Sammy was born in a cozy hospital not far from uranus, but a small, lonesome city called Tesland.  Now sammy was born with no father or mother by his side, but instead 2 strangers brought him in. Now most sperms’ story starts later on in life, but Sammy was destined for an adventure of a life time. The 2 strangers put him in a white van and drove off from tesland to Epididiymis where he would start his adventure…

When they arrived to Epididymis, they drove all the way over Vas Deferens Highway, as this highway was a one way that could only bring them out to Vaginaland.  As they drove they passed many sites and explored many areas such as Lake Bladder, they stopped at the Seminal Vesicle Diner where Sammy Sperm had his 5th meal, and then passed the Urethra Expressway to Vaginaland!

As Sammy grown, so has the length of his adventure! Not so long after they reached Vaginaland, and met many new species, tried new food and explored. After a day or 2, they’ve reached the cervix station to pass by the stranger’s house for a quick catch up as their adventure would soon continue. Later that day they took a ride to UterusVille for a tour guide of the village, for which is beautiful, the sites are breathtaking, and meals would linger others famished for more. Of course Sammy would insist on the staying of UterusVille for it is so wonderous…! They stayed there for half a day and reached the Oviduct Road. The 2 Strangers looked down

” This would make an excellent story…eh? I wish we could spend more time together.”

Sammy Sperm nodded delightfully but confused, as they walked down the Oviduct Road to reach Sammy’s final destination, Ovary Island. Known to be one of the 5 wonders of the human anatomy, Sammy was mind boggled as he struck his last step beneath the Gates of Wonder. He made it…  TO BE CONTINUED…..




DNA bracelet Blog

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January 6th. Me and my classmates did a class study of Genetics, DNA, and such. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is where our genes come from. It’s the build up of who we are, including personality, behavior…  DNA is made through it’s 4 letter alphabet ACTG. A genetic code is a set of 3 letter words in ACTG’s library, once its code is built up. it’s sent to messenger RNA to give to the ribosomes. I was never too good as biology but I believe the messenger RNA’s job is to duplicate the triplets (which are also codons) and send this codon to the ribosome for it to do its job. Then the ribosome would put the amino acid to the protein molecules.  This can relate to our friendship bracelets because we used each color as a part of the DNA library and for each color represented a letter as the letter would represent codon. This way we chose a word and applied DNA triplets to the bracelet creating delicious friendship bracelets!



Edible DNA blog

IMAG0181IMAG0183This is Para and I’s edible DNA lab work. We compiled twizzlers, marshmallows, and toothpicks to create a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). This lab work allowed us to realize how the genetic 4 letter alphabets work. Through it’s arrangements of A,T,C,G. We combined it together and used the toothpicks to gather it all together, then twisted it. In the end it was fun, delicious, and educational.

Astronomy: Galaxies Edublog Assignment

1: The balloon represents the ever expanding universe and the dots represent galaxies in this universe. The M representing the milky way

2: C for our group moved the most for Half Inflated and Fully Inflated, but for the “barely inflated” section seemed to be the smallest number of the 5.

3. As the universe expands (balloon) so the galaxies will expand with it, so as it expands the length between the Milky and other galaxies will lengthen.

4. It can relate to our universe in a way that our universe is also expanding and so as our galaxies. How it does not relate is that 1. it’s a balloon, 2. the universe doesn’t expand when you blow air into it, whereas a balloon does, 3. The Universe use contains Dark Matter whereas a balloon contains everyday matter.


BC Power Story

Hydro electric Generation of Power is a common power supply most of us use, through falling water to produce our electricity, which we get from BC Hydro. What I’ve learned is that Hydro electric generation is mainly through water creating power through machines then passed onto transmission lines and terminal stations and finally to our homes and stores. Which sounds great because it’s needless to say that water will run out out in the coming years. The Pros and Cons I could think of were that it’s reliable, safe, but Dams can be broken down, and the lines can always be blown down, so it’s “temporary” or “changing” because one day this issue will come into effect and will require new methods of power



Thermal Generation is a power supply based off of burning fuel to produce energy to power the machines, and because heat is a form of energy, it can be made into electricity. The Pros are that it’s an alternative way of producing power, the cons can be that it requires other resources, mainly natural resources like coal, wood, oil. Which will run out one day or another. Note that this is continuously providing energy to the system grid. thermal_generation



ChemProject upgrade

Me and Matthew’s work – myriverside.sd43.bc.ca/matthewf2015/11/10/science-project-upgrade-by-daniel-and-matthew/


Science App review

Star Chart

  1. How  this app help us in science?
  2. Why should you choose to use this?
  3. What are the benefits?
  4. What are the sacrifices?
  5. What is it based off of?
  6. Is it credible, reliable, and useful?
  7. Is it appropriate?
    Star chart with planets

Including earth, Saturn, Uranus, etc.


  1. This app is astronomy based and can be applied during astronomy courses
  2. This app has all the astronomical signs and a fully 3D interface so you can interact as you explore
  3. The Benefits are that you can use this app to understand “Hip”, “HD”, “Gliese”, Characteristics
  4. You need to sacrifice 578 MB of hard drive space
  5. It is based off of the solar systems and mostly all of the details in it
  6. The app has been chosen as the top Surface picks and voted 4/5 stars
  7. It is appropriate for school work and after, in this case. The stars the limit!


I’ve used this app for a good 1-2 weeks and I loved the info placed on the left of the screen as I can control the stars with my fingertips. Although the graphics aren’t perfect, it’s the detail they provide with such ease

Genetic Mutation /Something I’m interested in (SCIENCE!!!!)

Although we might not be able to learn anything about it, I’m fascinated to the concept of evolution, and how it could aid us or destroy us in the upcoming years. I guess genetic mutation has been In thought for quite some time now, and it’s been amazing to see how much variety it has brought the universe, or instance red hair was a genetic mutation and possibly Alexandria’s purple eyes and maybe animals soon, but I could just be dreaming fantasies… This year I’m eager to learn anything that has to do with chemistry, DNA, etc.



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