This is the story of Sammy Sperm

This is the life of Sammy Sperm.

Sammy was born in a cozy hospital not far from uranus, but a small, lonesome city called Tesland.  Now sammy was born with no father or mother by his side, but instead 2 strangers brought him in. Now most sperms’ story starts later on in life, but Sammy was destined for an adventure of a life time. The 2 strangers put him in a white van and drove off from tesland to Epididiymis where he would start his adventure…

When they arrived to Epididymis, they drove all the way over Vas Deferens Highway, as this highway was a one way that could only bring them out to Vaginaland.  As they drove they passed many sites and explored many areas such as Lake Bladder, they stopped at the Seminal Vesicle Diner where Sammy Sperm had his 5th meal, and then passed the Urethra Expressway to Vaginaland!

As Sammy grown, so has the length of his adventure! Not so long after they reached Vaginaland, and met many new species, tried new food and explored. After a day or 2, they’ve reached the cervix station to pass by the stranger’s house for a quick catch up as their adventure would soon continue. Later that day they took a ride to UterusVille for a tour guide of the village, for which is beautiful, the sites are breathtaking, and meals would linger others famished for more. Of course Sammy would insist on the staying of UterusVille for it is so wonderous…! They stayed there for half a day and reached the Oviduct Road. The 2 Strangers looked down

” This would make an excellent story…eh? I wish we could spend more time together.”

Sammy Sperm nodded delightfully but confused, as they walked down the Oviduct Road to reach Sammy’s final destination, Ovary Island. Known to be one of the 5 wonders of the human anatomy, Sammy was mind boggled as he struck his last step beneath the Gates of Wonder. He made it…  TO BE CONTINUED…..