Periodic Table Feedback Reflection

What I know well about the periodic table

Something I know well about the periodic table is how to read the atomic number and mass and put them into a Bhor diagram.

What I still need to work on regarding the periodic table is

Something I still need to work on regarding the periodic table is remembering the categories and the characteristics of them like if it’s reactive and their state of properties. I also need a bit of work remembering the definitions of words like maluable.

What I wonder about the periodic table

I wonder how they would organize the periodic table once they discover new elements. I think there are a lot more undiscovered elements on other planets.

What goals I will set to understand the periodic table better

A goal I can set to understand the periodic table better is to write down the characteristics of the categories on a piece of paper and try to remember them. I can also watch YouTube videos to help me improve my memory of them.