Indigenous Exploration – “Residential Schools”

Residential School Reflection 


  • My experiences working on this assignment was good. Me and my group members each did our job in researching about Saint Paul’s Residential School. 2 of us would tell the third person information about the school and he puts it onto a word document.


  • The reason we chose Saint Paul’s Residential School out of the horrible 139, was because it was the closest residential school to us and because I’ve seen what the school looks like now. 


  • The obstacle we had while creating this project was to make it sound like a podcast and not like a speech and waiting a long time for a microphone to be available. Another obstacle we had while working on this project was that the Blue Yeti microphone was muted so we had to restart one recording. 


  • The artifact tied in from what I have learned before about residential school because I learned about Residential Schools and what they did in general but not the specific details like what they called them and how they suffered. I also learned that they suffered the drug and alcohol use because of the trauma they went through and the PTSD they still suffer from. I wouldn’t have known this if we hadn’t done this project.