Strengths, Stretch, Goals

First They Came For The African-Americans

“First They Came for the African-Americans”
by Daniel Xie

First they came for the African-Americans
and I did not speak out
because I am not African-American

Then they came for the Homeless
and I did not speak out
because I was not Homeless

Then they came for the Indians
and I did not speak out
because I am not Indian.

Now when will they come for me
because I was too busy or too apathetic
to defend my sisters and brothers?

What it means to be human – English 10

Daniel Xie 

Mrs. Thomasen 

English 10 

February 4, 2023 



“Kindness” written by Naiomi Shihab really relates to humanity in the current time because kindness is a big part of humanity and is what keeps us in peace. In the poem she talks about kindness and how you must feel a loss before you can know what kindness feels like.  People of this generation don’t treat each other the same and are very judgmental even though we are all human. A little act of kindness can go a very long way and doesn’t take much effort to do. Even something as little as holding the door open for someone can make their day that much better. Humans thrive on kindness and without it our planet would be a mess. The meaning of the poem is that we need to feel cruelty to really appreciate kindness from others even in small acts. 








Career Life Education 10 – Core Comepentencies

I’ve learned a ton of brand-new stuff from career life education on how to work on life after high school and how I can live. I gained knowledge on how to manage my own finances, buy my own automobile, and save money in the process. I met a lot of new people, and we engaged, exchanged ideas, and enjoyed working together a lot. like The YPI project Making this project with my group was so much fun. Exploring new stuff was enjoyable.

Science 10 Research Project – Genetic Abnormalities

I enjoyed and learned alot from this research project. I learned that it is possible for any offspring to have down syndrome even if you have a history of good health. I also learned that it is possible for people with down syndrome to live a normal life and can live the same amount of years as a normal person without down syndrome. Some academic stuff I learned from this project is how to make a brochure and how to manage my time better. I think schools should teach more about these genetic abnormalities.


Digital Footprint

My Digital Footprint

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.
– It might effect it because if you posted something bad online in the past and you try to apply for a job, the employers will search all around the internet for your information and any pictures or bad history could potentially stop you from getting the job.
– It won’t effect your future opportunities at all if you haven’t posted any bad things online.


Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.
– Make your accounts private
– Don’t post anything you don’t want others to see
– Make a list of accounts and password so that you can delete accounts that you don’t use.

What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?
– I learned that your digital footprint is pretty easy to get a hold of using google and to prevent posting anything you don’t want others to see.
– I would just tell them in person or on messages.


Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding from Pexels
Photo by N I E R O S H O T S from Pexels
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Lukas from Pexels
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Ricardo Esquivel from Pexels