Tableau Novel – The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Story Elements Paragraphs



Introduction The introduction is the action or the part of the book that starts the novel of which usually includes introducing the main character, setting. etc. 


The Introduction of the novel is basically just Junior losing one of his best friends which was his dog named Oscar. Oscar passed away after Junior’s dad shoots him because he was suffering from a seizure, and they wouldn’t be able to afford the vet bill. Junior was furious at his dad but there was nothing he could do. Daniel was holding a water gun which represented Junior’s dad, Maysem was on the ground like a dog which represented Oscar, and Josh was representing Junior how mad he was using lots of expressions with his arms. 


Initiating Incident 

The initiating incident is the narrative event that launches the main action. It’s basically the point where things get a little more interesting and it helps start the actual story. 


The initiating incident we chose as a group is the part of the book when Rowdy punches Junior after he was told that Junior was moving schools to Reardan. This got Rowdy extremely upset and made him lose his temper because him and Junior are best friends so he couldn’t imagine going to school without him. Josh was representing Junior and he’s getting punched by Maysem who is representing Rowdy. Daniel was representing a bystander. 


Rising Action #1 

The rising action of a novel is the period in a story after the initiating incident that leads up to the falling action and climax. This is the longest period of the book and it’s when things are slowly starting to heat up and get exciting. 


The first rising action we chose as a group is the part of the book is when Junior starts making new friends like Gordy at school after he proves the teacher wrong. He proves the teacher because the teacher asked a question and Junior answers him correctly, but the teacher said it’s false, so the teacher asks Gordy and Gordy says it’s correct. He also meets this girl that he really likes named Penelope and she likes him too, so they started dating. Josh is representing Junior and he’s shaking Daniel’s hand who is representing Gordy, and Maysem is representing Penelope and he’s standing close to Penelope because they are in a relationship. 


Rising Action #2 


The second rising action we chose is Junior joining the basketball team. I think this is one of the big parts of the novel because it’s when I knew Junior was growing in confidence and strength when I saw him. Roger performed far better than Junior at the start of the tryouts, but he still did exceptionally well and made the team! My group took a picture of us pretending to be at the tryouts. 



The climax is the most intense, interesting or important part of the novel. This is when the protagonist of the story achieves his or her goals. 


Junior’s victory over Rowdy in the final basketball game would undoubtedly be the novel’s conclusion. His first game versus Rowdy went horribly wrong. In the book, Junior describes how he vomited many times out of terror, that people were yelling “Arnold stinks,” and that his head began to ache because someone in the audience threw a coin at him, preventing him from even playing. He was desperate to win the second game against Rowdy because he wanted to make up for the first game, and he stated that he had to prove to everyone, including himself, that he would never quit and that he was stronger than everyone. That is exactly what he did. Rowdy was ready to dunk when he leapt higher, stole the ball from him, and made a three-pointer. Junior had already completed his objectives at the time. Our group took a picture of Rowdy getting blocked by Junior. Josh was representing Junior, Maysem was representing Rowdy, and Daniel was representing Roger. 


Falling Action #1 

The last rising action my group chose is when Junior’s grandmother and his dad’s best friend both died. This part was very important because he lost 2 very important people in his life. Junior was extremely angry and sad. In our picture, Josh was Junior, and he had a shocked expression, Maysem and Daniel were representing Junior’s grandmother his dad’s best friend 


Falling Action #2 

The falling action happens after the climax after everything calms down. 


The falling action of the novel I’d say is when Rowdy tried to punch Junior at his sister’s funeral after she passed away from a fire accident. He did it because he was so mad, but Junior luckily dodged his punch. Josh was representing Junior, Maysem was representing Rowdy, and Daniel was representing Junior’s sister, Mary. 



The conclusion a book is the end of a novel when everything is finished. 


The conclusion of the book is when Junior and Rowdy become friends again and play that last game of Basketball outside. They sat outside and had a long talk. They also stayed out till dark playing together. My group took a picture of them playing basketball with each other. Josh is representing Junior, Maysem is representing Rowdy, and Daniel is another kid from the reserve. 

One thought on “Tableau Novel – The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

  1. Thank you for submitting your Tableau Novel Project for COL. I have reviewed your Edublog post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Plot points are accurately depicted with good tableau style photos
    – Collage of photos is edited and somewhat professional in layout
    – Most aspects of the post are correctly completed (title, tag, category, tableau photos, collage, written descriptions) > captions on the images would help illustrate which each tableau shot was
    – Partner did not post on Edublog.

    Good job and if you have any questions, please contact me!

    Mr. Barazzuol

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