Solution Fluency- Housing Crisis


Climate change is a huge problem in the world and causes alot of change in the pricing of things. The problem our group wanted to take a further look into is the housing crisis in Metro Vancouver. The housing pricing in Vancouver is going up rapidly and is making Vancouver very unlivable. It’s the third, least affordable city in the word.


The housing price in Metro Vancouver is rising and is known as the most expensive city to live in, in Canada. The average cost of a house in Metro Vancouver is 1.3 Million dollars. To compare, the average cost of a house in Calgary is 400 thousand, thats more than 3 time less. The cost of rent in Metro vancouver has increased more than 20% in the last 9 months. The average rent cost of a house in downtown is over 2 thousand dollars a month. There are also over 5,000 homeless people living in the streets. The rent in Vancouver is even more expensive than New York, one of the most popular cities in the world.


  • Our solution to this problem is to have the city buy a whole neighbourhood of properties and build a townhouse or an apartment.
  • We can also try expanding the city out further to make the “city” bigger.
  • We can build bigger apartments instead of houses.
  • We can build apartments up in West Vancouver since there is alot of space for building and they can make a seabus system from Stanley Park to West Van.
  • We can also try designing apartments beside eachother so that there are 4 of them in a square shape.
  • Or we can make apartments higher and less wide.


In Solution Fluency. I found alot of information online and reputable sources about the housing crisis in Metro Vancouver and stats from news and city sites. The city of Vancouver has plans set to make Vancouver more affordable to more people. A problem I ran into was finding solutions and ideas to this problem. Alot of the solutions would have to be decided by the City of Vancouver.



3 thoughts on “Solution Fluency- Housing Crisis

  1. I am very interested in your solution, the problem you brought up is a problem that needs a solution. I believe you have found a good one. I can also understand your idea very well, through your prototype. I would consider adding more details about how you will do this, but if it is possible and it does work. This is a great solution.

  2. Daniel, I think you have a great problem that needs a solution. I think houses might be overpriced since it is kind of a necessity for our survival. I am a bit confused about how this is solving a climate problem but you had some great points on how we can solve this. Good job at finding sources with valuable information, and great drawing demonstrating your ideas. How is your solution unique, are we already building a lot of these solutions, bus stops, high buildings, etc… Great post and I think this is a great solution. Excellent understanding of your problem.

  3. Very good explanation of how you used the solution fluency to address a problem important to you. Great work discovering solutions to your issue and sharing the sources of your research. You included very effective media showing what your solution looks like. could you try to turn the picture? I appreciate your desire to create affordable housing by building further away for the city. What kind of infrastructure (schools / hospitals / entertainment / community recreation centres) would you build? What kind of ecological innovations would your buildings have?

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