Community Connection

I chose to interview a Fortnite Pro named qovz. I decided to interview him because I met him in a game of Fortnite and he inspired me to start streaming and uploading videos onto YouTube. He also has a pretty big fanbase on TikTok and YouTube and is known in the Fortnite community. I learned that even though he is doing pretty good on social media, his family wasn’t supporting his dream of becoming a pro when he started. I also learned that even if you’re good at the game and popular on social media, there will always be people hating on you. I can relate to that because I play Fortnite quite a bit and my parents aren’t too supportive of that. I can also relate to the fact that you’ll always have someone hating on you because when I upload videos on YouTube there will sometimes be hate coming from someone hiding behind a screen.


My Questions:

1. Can you explain your roles and responsibilities with your current position/career?

2. What obstacles have you faced to get where you are today?

3. What advice would you like you to pass to someone interested in what you are doing?

4. Why are you passionate about your job or role?

5. Who inspired you to keep progressing a get better as a Fortnite pro?

6. Was there a lot of hate when you started streaming and making YouTube videos?

One thought on “Community Connection

  1. Thank you for submitting your Community Connection assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublogs post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
    – Consider having your connection make a comment on your post or adding links to their work
    – Good work sharing what you learned on your Edublogs portfolio

    Thank you,

    Mr. Robinson and Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teachers

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