Precalc 11 Week 6

This Week we worked on 3 different ways on working with trinominal and how to factor them, they are:



Completing the Square

Quadratic Formula


Im not going to go through factoring because I explained it in last weeks blog post.


completing the square-


probably the most complicated way to factor in my option because in order to do this process you need to move the third term and bracket the first 2. Then half the square the second term, the one inside the bracket will be positive and then one outside the bracket will be negative. Keep in mind if the first term has a coeficial you have to times the number by the coeficiant outside the bracket. To made this more clear I will show you a photo below.


Quadratic formula-


This one is quite simple,e and will work almost all the time. A= the first term B= The second term and C= the third term. All you have to do now is plug it in the quadratic formula and do the math. Like shown below.



Blog Post Week 5

This week in PreCalc 11, we learnt about factoring polynomials. To factor a polynomial, we have to go through certain steps to find the answer or solution. To remember this we use the acronym CPDEU, to remember this we use Can Divers Pee Easily Underwater.

Common Factors

Difference of Squares





C- Common Factor is when we look to find if the trinominal has something in common and if it does we will take it out so it makes our trinominal look more simple and easier to factor. For example in the picture below we need to recognize that we can take out a common factor of 3.

D- Différence In squares we need to see 3 things. Is it a binomial, is the refond term negative and, are they both perfect squares. If all of these are yes then we can factor it quite easily like in the example below.


P- Pattern is probably the easiest one because we are just checking if it has the right structure, and if it is then it is most likely facorable. Does it have X squared, does it have an X term and a number at the end. If yes then you can proceed to the next step.


E- Easy means if it is a easy polynomial to factor as in is does the X squared have a coefficient of 1. If it does this will be easy. Don’t stress until they are ugly.


U- Ugly is the opposite of easy (of course) which means that is the X squared has a coeficcisnt of 2 or more then it is considered ugly and you’ll have to do a bit more thinking.


Week 4 Blog Post

This week we learned about:

-Absolute Values

– Roots

– Radicals


Absolute values

We learned this week what absolute values are and how to properly go about them. Anything inside the absolute value “bracket” will always end up being positive. For example: |12 – 15 | = +3

Make sure you always do all the calculations before you turn the answer positive.

Roots and Radicals: 

We learned the terms this week. The number in front the square root sign is the coefficient, the small number connected to the square root is the index and the number inside is called the radicand. We learned that the index is a very important clue for the equations because it tells us is the number in the radicand spot can me both negative and positive or only positive. Even number index can only be positive while uneven index can be either. Also simplifying equations, the index is important because it tells us what we can take out to become the coefficient. if the index is 2 we take groups of two.

Week 3 Blog Post

This week we got a slight glimps of absolute values after we finished our Sequences and Series Unit test. We learned how an absolute value will always be positive and how a number squared and then square rooted would cancel eachother out and equal the same number .

Unlike brackets you cannot distribute absolute values. Also use BEDMAS in order to get the right answer.

Week 2 blog post – Sequences and Series

Arithmetic Sequences:


We started off the year and this unit by learning what and Arithmetic Sequence is. It is a sequence of numbers that consistently increases or decreases by the same amount each time, it almost never ends.

Formula used to find a term in an arithmetic sequence:

We always need at least 2 parts of the question in order to find the answer: t1, n or d.

Ex: 1,3,5,7,9…

Arithmetic Series:


Arithmetic Series has the sane concept as sequences but now you are adding them all together to find the sum.

Formula used:



Geometric Sequences:

Instead if the sequences going up or down like in arithmetic, a geometric sequence we are multiplying or diving by the same ratio every time.




Geometric Series:


Instead of going up or down we are adding and finding the sum



Infinite Geometric series:


means that it is never ending. If it is converging we can use the formula to find the sum if it diverges and its a whole number we cannot



Essay Corrections

Two things I did well:

  1. Quotes supported my thesis
  2. Structure was proper

Two things to improve on:

  1. Formatting quotes properly
  2. Stronger arguments for my thesis


Succession in fear


Rules or hunting. Equality or survival. A friend or a leader.  Adjusting to an unfamiliar society, challenges to see the true side of a person, but a leader will never back down until his goal is made. Jack portraits all these qualities that make him the strongest leader on the island.  William Golding in Lord of the flies writes us a chaotic story about a group of young British boys whose plane gets attacked and crashes onto an inhabited island where fight for power overrules common sense. A leader like Jack that uses intimidation, splash of violence and certainly fear is the most effective to succeed and gain respected and power over any other candidate. Fairness will never overpower survival, and in Golding’s story the most dominant leader will rise.

Throughout the novel, we see how Jack uses violence to put fear into the eyes of the other children on the island. He uses this tactic show others will obey and respect him in order for them to leave Ralphs side and join Jack’s pack. This seems to work later on into the novel where Ralph is left stranded, with no one on his side. Jack’s violence his shows when he demands the other boys to tie up and beat an innocent boy named Wilfred. “He’s going to beat Wilfred”, “What for?”(P.196) said Ralph.  Jack does this to show the others that he has power and his voice is heard. He puts into consideration to the other boys on the island that if they do not obey they will be the next Wilfred. Jack’s ability to influence is beyond any other on the island, we see in chapter 9 when Simon returns from finding out that the beast is not real that Jack has converted a majority of the boy into savages just like him, chanting, “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!”(P.168). Following killing a pig the boys chant and act crazy so when Simon returns their inner savageness and adrenaline overrules their common sense and beat Simon to his death. Jack’s violent influence obviously converted to the other boys and if it was not for Jack, chances are Simon would still be alive.

Jack uses the beast to make the kids fearful, he programs their minds that there is a beast but with him in charge they will hunt it down and he will protect the island. He gives himself the “Superman” role so the children look up to him and see things as an adventure and as fun. “You’ve noticed, haven’t you?”, “Noticed what?”, “Well. They’re frightened”. Ralph confronts Jack about scaring the littluns to death with the beastie. Jack counters a few chapters later saying “… fear can’t hurt you any more than a dream. There aren’t any beasts to be afraid of on this island… Serve you right if something did get you, you useless lot of babies!”  Despite his efforts Jack should not be saying such thing as “… fear can’t hurt you…” because fear is one of the most powerful ways of hurting you mentally and we are not certain that there is no beast. He should be leading with honesty not lies.

Lastly, Jack portraits his dominance with fear by killing two pigs throughout the story to show that he his fearless and will kill to survive. Indirectly, Jack is trying to tell the others on this island that he is in charge and he will provide. For example, when Jack kills the second pig, he cuts the head off of the wild animal to show his strength and to publicize it. Golding writes “His mind was crowded with memories; memories and knowledge that had come to them when they closed in on the struggling pig, knowledge that they had outwitted a living thing, imposed their ill upon it, taken away it’s life like a long satisfying drink.”  Golding shows the mental state of Jack and the satisfaction of killing the pig; seeing how accomplished he feels of taking the pigs life. Jack’s aggression and authority is shown when Jack and his pack speared the head of the pig on a stick. “Jack held up the head and jammed the soft throat down on the pointed end of the stick while pierced through into the mouth.” Golding is trying to show how Jack likes to leads with masculinity and violence ways as we compare to a high school jock

Throughout the story, the novel proves to us that leaders that use intimidation, violence and certainly fear is the most effective to succeed and gain respected and power over any other candidate. Jack used fear to gain the respect of the other boys on the island. Used violence to intimidate, the beast to scare them, and power to fear him. Essentially, to be feared by someone means to be looked down by that person and that the one you fear will always be a step ahead of you. Jack overruled Ralph on the island in the end and because the best leader by using fear to gain respect.

“Blood will have blood” Do you believe in revenge? Why?

Indeed I do believe in revenge, because when someone scars your heart and damages your trust, that feeling can’t compare to most physical pain. I believe in revenge to show someone that you are not an easy target that should be a repeat offender. It is for a lesson to be shown and for a statement to be made. Blood will always have blood which was shown in the wars in the past, which has made the world where it is today, but I do not believe that revenge should be done to a fatal state but certainly to a bold statement.

How does Milgram’s theory prove/disprove Goldings philosophy?

Milgram’s theory disproves Golding’s philosophy completely because we see in the book that Golding shows without rules the boys on the island go crazy and savage, while in the Milgram experiment we see that the “teacher” (aka – random volunteer) shows sympathy and cares about the “student” who is getting false shocks. The person in a uniform demands the “teacher” to up the shock when wrong. At first which might seem evil but it is the opposite of Golding’s theory.

The volunteers in Milgram’s experiment show no evilness until rules and demand forces them to raise the shock. The fear factor comes into places witch makes them do it but at heart we are not evil. Golding writes in his novel how Jack becomes savage once there are no rules in place and he has power; but, in Milgram’s experiment order and rules symbolizes evil when the man in authority demands to sends the shocks even if the volunteer does not want to do so.

In conclusion, Milgram’s theory disproves Golding’s philosophy because we see in Milgram’s experiment that the volunteers had empathy and cared about the other person but authority and rules made them look evil. While Golding’s philosophy is WITHOUT rules we are evil so it shows that it is the complete opposite.

3 Reasons why Piggy would not get a girlfriend

Image result for jock vs nerd

  1. He lacks to stand up for himself

We see in many instances in the book that Piggy peaks in intelligence but we also see that no matter what good he does in this novel he gets put down and his bright ideas get stolen. Even though he never turns savage and crazy a girl will most likely go for a crazy bad boy like Jack or a influential leader, not a pussy that backs down like Piggy. The girl wants protection and someone usually more dominant then themselves. To me I see Piggy as the girl in a relationship. (Excuse my language)

Image result for piggy nerdy

2. His nerdy appearance

For the most part, females like to look for a guy that is their barrier and their shield. Only way Piggy could be a girls shield in any sense is his chubbiness to shield the girl witch is quite literal. We see as Piggy as the typical high school nerd. Kinda chubby, glasses, does not express his voice, intelligent but awkward. Girls tend not to look for these attributes in a guy. Piggy would we looked as the girls guy best friend who got friend zoned back in middle school and puts all the effort in while the girl sees him as a cute chubby friend, while a guy like Jack would be dating the girl of his dreams.

3. Seen as the female voice

You might be thinking a girl would like this attribute because he would understand the girl more. But when you think about it, a girl would only see him as if he was another one of her girl friends saying the same content and she’d be fed up. A girl wants a man; she wants something different which is a man’s opinion and voice. Someone who takes charge and is not afraid to speak up.