week 9 blog post

This week in precalc we learned many things. We had to remember many things in order to successfully graph a quadratic equation.


  • Convert between standard, general and factored form
  • Standard form  (vertex form) – vertex, line of symmetry, stretch value, opens up or down
  • General form – y intercept (0,y), stretch value, opens up or down
  • Factored form – roots (x- intercepts) (x,0), stretch value, opens up or down – > line of symmetry (find the average of the roots)  ->the x value of the vertex
  • ** factored form there needs to be integers rather than fractions
  • a, p and q transform the graph
  • a->stretch value, negative -> opens down, positive -> opens up
  • A is a proper fraction 1/2 – compression – gets fatter
  • A Is larger than 1 – stretch – gets skinnier
  • P – horizontal translation (slide) (x-2) -> right  (x+5) …. (x –5) -> left
  • Q – vertical translation (slide) positive – > up   negative -> down
  • Maximum (opening down) and minimum (opening up) …. Vertex (y value or q)
  • Standard graphing pattern … 1 3 5 ….  So if a = 2     2  6 10
  • Domain …all the values for x that you could plug into the formula …….

X E Real

  • Range – all the possible y values    y > minimum or  y< maximum
  • Completing the square  – changes general form into vertex form
  • Factor a trinomial …if it factors – nice roots
  • If doesn’t factor …. Quadratic formula … discriminant …
  • Table of values to graph
  • Develop an equation from a word problem. modeling

These are key things in order to succeed in this chapter.

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