2 reason’s I disagree with Cristians option on Native Americans

  1. Cristians opinion #1 ” Why do we care so much, we should be able to wear and do what we want”

This statement really stirs things up in my head because the ignorance showned by a young white man by saying this statement is typical. As I say this, because him as a proud Italian, has never been challenged by society. As Cristian said this he never thought about the Natives fight and struggle from generation to generation and the racism that they have gone through. He never thought about their deep culture and tradition that others are taking effortlessly. I feel like he doesn’t understand if he had music, art, style, etc. , that he and his community worked so hard for and came up with for so long, and for a upper class new comer to just take bits and pieces of what you worked for so easily and meaninglessly, he would understand why ” we care so much “.

2. Cristians opinion #2 ” We are calling native Americans sexy, why’s this a problem?” (Answering to the picture of Victoria Secret model)

The reason why I am disagree with this statement is because he does not understand the meaning of the costume and how VS (Victoria Secret) misused it. They used the headdress without knowing the story and how hard it is to achieve one is the true tradition. Also, I feel like it didn’t cross his mind that VS made this costume to make big money and that they used appropriation against the Native Americans by just stealing their ideas to make money off these costumes. As a typical teenage boys he’s looking at the girls amazing body and not looking at the deeper meaning. Congrats the model is good looking and that’s he job but the problem is that everyone needs to learn about tradition before misusing it.