testing for acids and bases- Daniel, Aryan, Ariana


Photo: Taken before our lab. Picture of indicator samples.


On Friday we had our first chemistry lab. We were given 5 indicators: Methyl Orange, Bromthymol Blue, Phenolphthalein, Litmus Blue, Litmus Red. We had to walk around the classroom and test out those 5 indicators on 12 different solutions. Our group decided to make a prediction on what the indicators would do when the solutions were mixed in with the indicators. We said that we would be able to tell if it is an acid, base or neutral based on the colour change. Within the first few solutions we were able to lock in that our prediction was correct. We did this lab in order to see and understand how these indacators react to acid, base and neutral solutions that we use in everyday life. This lab can help us in everyday life to be able to identify if our foods or any kind of product is  acidic and basic or even neutral.

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