The Sea Devil-Question and Vocabuary

Answer the following questions using camplete sentences and evidence/quotes from the stary to. suppart your answers.
Why does the man fish by night? How does this lead to the conflict with the ray? What is significant about the fact that he does not fish for a living?

He likes to cast alone so he goes to fish by night. He is unable to see what he is catching so he accidently hooks the ray.The importance is that he doesn’t have to fish for a living he only fishes for fun.

Identify 3 examples of foreshadowing?

  1. when he slipped the knot over his wrists.
  2. when the man mentioned he let the baby porpoise go
  3. Was when the author said “he looked closely to make sure no stingray was hidden in the mesh.”

Identify the following parts of the story’s plot: The complicating incident, a single crisis, the climax, the resolution and the ending (what kind)?

Exposition: The man wasn’t going to cast anything until he saw two or three mullets together.

Crisis: When the man realized that he had caught a sea devil instead of some mullets.

Climax: When the ray swam quickly and he decided to cut the rope, as his plan worked out in the end.

Resolution: The man decided to let the mullet go and he would never go casting at night alone.

Ending: The ending is a happy ending because he was saved and realized that he shouldn’t co fishing at night.

One of the conflicts is between the civilized and primitive world (define these two words first). What is the purpose of the references made to the plane, the causeway, and the mans wife at home?

Primitive: world is where its only the natural aspects of the earth.

Civilized: Modern world where everything is developed

The conflicted against the civilized world and primitive world is that the man was against the ray and the darkness of the primitive world. The reference to the plane and causeway was symbolism to represent how far humans have came in life.

What does the man learn at the end of the story? Why does he release the mullet?

He learned that he should not go fishing alone and at night because it was dangerous. He felt how the mullets felt when he reeled them in.
Find 3 examples of descriptive language – this will lead into a discussion of figurative language.
1. sullen p.32 depressed mood
2. weltering ·p.33 move in a turbulent fashion
3. elemental p.33 primary or basic
4. sinewy p.33 consisting of or resembling sinews.
5. hoisted p.33 to raise
6. phosphorescence light emitted by a substance without combustion or perceptible heat.
7. cordage p.34 cords or ropes, especially in a ship’s rigging.
8. exhilaration p.34 a feeling of excitement, happiness, or elation.
9 atavistic p. 35 relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral.
10. centrifugal p. 35 moving or tending to move away from a center.
11. gauntly p. 35 extremely thin and bony
12. impeding p. 37 delay or prevent
13. tenaciously p.37 a firm hold
14. respite p. 38 a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant.
15. equilibrium p. 38 a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.
16. imminent p. 39 about to happen

A Mountain Journey – Questions & Vocabulary


1. What was Dave Conroy doing out in the wilderness? Dave Conroy was out hiking the mountains because he was searching for furs. I found out because of this quote “fifty pounds of fur for the market-the result of six weeks’ trapping on the head of the Jack- pine.”
2. At what point does the reader know the protagonist is in serious trouble and not likely to
make it to MacMoran’s cabin? (plot)
When Dave Conroy falls into the creak I knew he wouldn’t make it because the cold and how he has no strength will affect his ability to make it to MacMoran’s Cabin.
3 .. What three critical mistakes did Conroy make? What are some of the things he could
have done to prevent himself from freezing? (plot)
He went hiking in the mountains alone and it was the wrong time of year. He should have set camp 2 miles back.
4. Determine the elements of plot in this story: exposition, complicating incident, 3 crises,
climax, and the denouement.
Dave Conroy is 5 miles away form the MacMoran’s Cabin and he is very tired. He gets stuck and falls into the frozen pond. The Cabin burnt down. He gets covered up by the snow and prays that the people at MacMoran’s cabin will find him. 
S. Describe the setting – how does the setting affect the plot and the theme of the story?
What is the theme – write a theme statement for this story.
The theme of the story is that you should be prepared for the worst because Dave was not prepared at all and the story shows the consequences.
6. Find one example of symbolic setting (concrete place that represents something abstract)
and explain its meaning.
The mountain represents the obstacles during that time and the weather signifie people that are trying to stop him
7. Quote four images from the story that make effective comparisons (figurative language:
simile, metaphor, and personification)
Simile “new snow, white and soft as flour.” p.91, Simile “That tree, like a strong and lonely woman”p.92, Personnification “Dark green trees came out of the thinning mist towards him, touched him with outflung branches.”p.93, Metaphor “the cold was an old man’s fingers” p. 91


  1. Eternal: Forever
  2. Immobility: Not being able to move
  3. Opaque: Not being able to see through
  4. Reverberation: The prolongation of a sound
  5. Momentum: To keep up speed
  6. Cadaverous: Resemble a corpse
  7. Beggared: To gather a crowd
  8. Inundation: An overwhelming abundance of people or things
  9. Beggared: Reduce someone to poverty
  10. Filched: to pilfer or steal

Gender Inequality

This article is about how women allegedly make less money annually than men. It talks about how men and women with the same degree make different amounts of money. The article completely disregards how many hours the average man or women spend on working at their job. I chose this article because I wanted to know how there is a wage gap. I believe this article is misinforming people because the average man take a higher risk higher reward job that is less secure. The average women works at a more secure job which pays less because of job security. Also, women tend to want more flexible jobs and they tend to not want to work holidays or weekends. Men tend to work more hours and work during holidays and weekends to provide for his family. This article relates to the story we read because the men tend to want to provide for their family which in this case is their class.