Desmos Art Functions Card 2022

  1. I figured out what types of equations to use by looking through the workbook and finding functions that best suit the type of line I am trying to replicate.
  2. I had challenges trying to incorporate logarithmic and trigonometric as my image did not have many opportunities to use them. I also found using the same functions multiple times but transforming it was extremely tedious and confusing sometimes.
  3. I was struggling with doing the color at the start until I realized I could do them easily through a friend.
  4. I received help with the trigonometric functions and shading my graph as it was very confusing at the start.
  5. I used strategies like guess and check to see how transformed graphs would look and I also looked through the workbook in order to see how to transform certain functions and what the best methods would be.
  6. This project helped me understand how I can be very precise and how simple it is to manipulate graphs how I want them.

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