About Me

My name is Daniel Moran I love lots of different sports such as soccer and hockey.

My Fvourite Quote

“Excuses are the nails used to build the house of failure”                        -Ross Graham

I like this quote because I hate making excuses and I know they will only lead me to failure.

My Favourite picture of myself

I like this photo because I really enjoy water sports such as waterskiing and wake boarding. Water sports have had a big impact on my life because every weekend when it is sunny. Water skiing is very enjoyable because I can spend lots of time outdoors enjoying myself.

One thought on “About Me

  1. Hi there,
    We are currently missing your Digital Footprint assignment and it is overdue at this time (Sep 23, 2019). Please post the assignment under your Math 9 category, using the tag footprint2019.
    Thank you,

    Mr. Robinson
    COL Teacher
    Riverside Secondary School

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