Bio Engineering – Science 9

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Now that my project is completed the process of my project was very simple. At the beginning my group member and I figured out how we would share the work. I am looking over my work and I feel like I did well. I think that my parts in this project are written well and presented nicely. I also feel like the process was very good. My process was to find websites to feed off from. Once I finished, I noticed that I could have added even more detail to the pictures and media. I also figured out that I could have written more. But now that I am done, I am going to embed it. Overall, I feel like the project went very well. It is very nice and full of lots of information.  



The Mitosis Process – Stop Motion Project

Here is my Stop motion video :[/embed



Describe how the artifact you selected shows your strengths & growth in specific core

competencies. The prompt questions on the left – or other self-assessment activities you

may have done – may guide your reflection process.


I think the project went very well. We all did something and helped out with making it. I feel like I now understand the topic way more. I also helped out with most of the project and i helped move all the pieces.


Analysis Questions (after your pictures are done).

1. Why did you decide to model Mitosis or Meiosis- one over the other? Be specific!!!

My group decided to model Mitosis instead of Meiosis because we felt like modelling with Meiosis would take longer than Mitosis. We already missed one day of one of our group members not coming to school.

2. What was the most challenging thing in making your movie?

The most challenging in making the movie was transitioning the models into the other ones

3. What was the easiest thing to do in making your movie?

The easiest thing in making the movie was the voice-over.

4. How could you improve your movie?

I think we could improve our movie by adding more visual looks (like making it look nice)

5. Thinking about how you worked with your partner, what were some of the challenges and successes of working in a group?

The only challenge was sending it to everyone because the file was too large.

6. Why is Mitosis important? In other words, what is the point of cells performing Mitosis?

Mitosis is important to multicellular organisms because it provides new cells for growth and for the replacement of worn-out cells.

7. Why is Meiosis important? In other words, what is the point of cells performing Meiosis?

Meiosis is important because it ensures that all organisms produced via sexual reproduction contain the correct number of chromosomes.

Element Sway/Information Fluency] Curium



1) What questions did you need to research in order to create your sway?

some questions I needed to ask were “Curium Periodic table facts”, “Fun facts about Curium”, and “Importance of Curium”.

2) What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

This was my first time ever using sway, I think I did pretty well and it was super easy to figure out.

3) What was the process you used to investigate the topic and how did you verify and cite the information you found?

The process I used to would be to ask a question, then find a website with most answers, after that I read through it. After those steps I would check different sources to make sure the information is correct. If it was a good cite I would continue to gather important information from it, but if I noticed that things didn’t match up I would find a different source.

4) How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

The process took up quite a bit of time but it was worth it to gather the correct information on my topic. I could have done a better job to find more sources so I could’ve given more detail to the questions.

Shingwauk Residential School Podcast

Indigenous project reflection                                                                                  Danielle 2021/10/19 


The indigenous project was overall pretty interesting. I learned a bunch about the Shingwauk residential school and now know way more things about residential schools. Some experiences while doing this project would be using one of the blue yeti microphones for the first time. Setting it up and figuring out how to use it was quite easy. My group and I fairly researched and got a lot of information about our topic. Some obstacles from this project that my group and I faced would be figuring out a good distance from the microphone. Another obstacle was finding a good recording app that was compatible with our laptops. Recording was easy and my group did not find it too hard. (Critical thinking question). My learning topic tied in with what I have already learned because I already knew what happened in residential schools. My thinking has changed by before thinking that residential schools were all work, but now I know that half the day the children who went there would have to do manual labor. My thinking has changed by focusing on learning about residential schools and having to find information on what the kids had to do there. The Shingwauk residential school was fascinating to learn about and now I feel like I have a good understanding on what happened in residential schools.!Ar0paeMN6GaXlz5Dbs39mDVRYS90