Week 2 – Math 10 – Exponent Rules

This week I have learned all out the different laws when it comes to exponents. I have learned all 4 laws…

Product Law — Add powers together when multiplying like bases

ex. When you have a question like this 5^3\cdot 5^4 you add both exponents together because they share the same base number which is 5.

So it would be 5^7 which is easier to figure out.

Quotient Law — Subtract powers when dividing like bases

ex. Now, when you have a question like this \frac{5^8}{5^4} you have to divide the exponent which would be 8 divided by 4 which would be 2. But to do this you have to make sure both number has the same base which would be 5.

Power of powers rule — Multiply powers together when raising a power by another exponent

ex. For the power law, if the question is like this (2^4)^2\cdot (2^2)^3 , then you can multiply the powers beside each bracket together so (2^4)^2 you would multiply the 4 and 2 exponent together. Then for the other side (2^2)^3 you would multiply the 2 and 3 exponent together.

So your simplified equation would be 2^8\cdot 2^6

Zero Law— Whenever the exponent = 0 the answer will = 1

ex. 9^0 = 1

Week 1 – Math 10 – How I use math

Math is always used outside of school. One reason how I use math is whenever I need to count my money when shopping. When I shop I need to find out how much tax is and how much money I have. I also would have to figure out if I have enough money to purchase the items I want. Another way I use math is when I am cooking. To cook you need to find out if you can cut a certain amount of a ingredient. How to do this is why using your math skills to chop your recipe in half or double it! Finally, the last reason why I use math in real life is with telling time. To tell time I need to see how much time I need for studying, homework, etc.. So math plays a big part in that. At the end of the day I use math everyday to solve my daily problems and needs.