Narrative Poem- La Luna

Narrative poem
La Luna

A clear night on the sea

Not a ripple to be seen,

With only my father and grandfather beside me

Rowing and rowing through the night

Everything seemed to be going right

When grandfather gives me a present of a hat

Eager to wear it, I threw it on just like that

They begin to bicker which way it should go

Up or down, high or low

When grandfather shuts off the light

The ocean is so calm, not a ripple, creature or other boat in sight

I mimic my father and grandfather, analyzing each face

Like magic, a great ball of light brings itself up into the empty space

Given an anchor around my body and a ladder, I’m climbing

Taking my first few steps, the stars are chiming

Now I’m joined by my family, we all proceed to sweep

Father suggests one way while grandfather wants the other, no middle they could meet

All of a sudden, the biggest star comes crashing into the ground, we run to hide

Pushing and pulling with all of our might, it was too tall and wide

They begin to bicker yet again, but I knew what I had to do this alone

Flipping my hat back, use a hammer and tap it, for it to explode

Hundreds of small stars are falling down with me

My family and I begin to sweep, no bickering, only with glee

Climbing back into the boat, we glance up at the sky

There it is,

La luna

Discussion #5- group 1

Persuasive video essay


Technology in today’s society has a negative effect on many. For example, issues with self image and mental and physical health. As a generation, we are over consumed by the constant need to be checking new posts, stories and direct messages. Scrolling through apps, seeing a display of a “perfect” life can lead to insecurity and the need of validation by others. There is constant competition online, based on numbers. It being the number of likes on a post or a certain amount of followers. Technology gives an unhealthy addiction by forcing itself into one’s everyday life. Feeling anxious for a like, text or any notification to pop up from your screen. And once you start scrolling, it is hard to stop. This habit becomes addicting and very time consuming, as today, the average person spends up to at least 2 hours a day on social media alone. Creating less and less face to face interactions with others, which leads to lack of human interaction with others. From the moment we wake up, to when we go to bed, it is the first thing and last thing we lay our eyes upon. By doing so, this leads to damaged eyesight, headaches and sleeping disorders. These symptoms are making humans more and more exhausted, less focused and sleep-deprived. Another hazard that is commonly seen today is texting while driving, which is one of the many explanations of why car accidents continue to occur so often. Having a phone attached to your hand 24/7 while looking at it while is not healthy and can not only put yourself in danger but others around you on the road. Overall, the way to avoid these problems is not to avoid technology completely but simply starting to restrict time spent online and having an understanding of the time that is being wasted. Technology may have its benefits, although, it has shown numerous negative effects on our own health and wellness and hazards to our everyday lives.


During this assignment, one of many core competencies I used frequently was communication. By starting this assignment I had to comprehend what it was asking, so I had to think about and proceed to ask questions to my fellow classmates or the teacher if I did not understand a specific detail or part of the task. Next, I had to write out the script and my paragraph to read aloud in the video, so I had to practice by saying and reading it out loud many times and timing it on a stopwatch, making sure it sounded good and I had all my points that I wanted to include. It took many tries to get a good recording without any errors in my speech, I was picky but it ended up being a pretty good take. Overall, I connected and engaged with others, acquired and presented my information and collaborated to plan, carry out, and review the activity, this being an assignment I used communication quite often.


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