Indigenous Exploration- Juvenile Indigenous Incarceration

Juvenile Indigenous Incarceration 

Damon Douglas, Alex Horvath, Nic Darwin 


My experiences creating this assignment: 

My experience creating this assignment was good and connected with my group partners Alex and Nic. I learned a lot about our topic being Indigenous incarceration and just indigenous peoples in general. We were able to use new ways to find our information. We used the websites from the riverside library that the school provides. I learned that I should have used my time in class more efficiently so I don’t have to do as much at home because I lose focus at home then I lose focus at school. People in Canada don’t see that there was and still is injustice in our country.

My groups path in researching the topic:

Me and group used some of the websites provided by our school but most of our research came from websites of of google. For example we would search something that we are wondering about our topic and we went through the list of the websites and articles that google is displaying. We started by writing down information we got from a bunch of websites and putting the link to the websites underneath then after we thought we had enough information we started to write stuff in our own words something like a script then after that we added things that made it sound like a conversation then add the names on who is saying what. Then, we recorded and the recording part was probably the easiest and took the least of time. Overall I thought we did a pretty good job.

Obstacles or items I learned in recording:

A massive obstacle for our group was recording because Alex wasn’t here for most of the last week  not that it was his fault there was nothing he could do about it, so we weren’t able to record until the last day Friday therefore it made it that much harder for everything because it delayed everything. I learned how to use audacity more then II already did.

Self Assessment

Riverside CC’s Self Assessment english indeginous exploration

Research and script:

Indigenous exploration .docx

Immersion Clip Reflection

Damon Douglas

Le 22 février 2023

Francais 9

Reflection Immersion clip

My project was done on time I made sure it was done even though I was away for the whole week we were working on it. It wasn’t easy to get it done on time but it was worth it for how it turned out.

I don’t think my creativity stood out from the other video’s a I saw. I really did like how my video looked, there was nothing crazy fancy but it was good and I liked how it turned out. I don’t think it would stand out that much but if it did the aspect best if it is probably the intro I thought the intro was pretty cool. Next time i create a video like this I will take a tutorial on whatever app I’m using because i was kind of confused on how to use capcut.

I liked how I was able control the volume of my voice and the music and it made it way easier.

Mon français ete a une bonne vitesse et je suis fiere de ça.

Guy Lafleur a jouer sur mon equipe preferer alors je veut faire quel que chose avec l’hockey et avec les canadiens.