TYKTWD alternate assignment

Career Selected:
Senior managers: financial, communications and other business service
Write a brief job description:
Senior financial managers are primarily focused on the financial areas of a company while senior communications managers oversee elements such as marketing, public relations, social media and the company’s brand reputation. Senior managers in other business services may be involved with human resources, company culture and employee morale.
Where did you get this information?
What education or training is required for this career or job?:
An education Degree
Where can you get this education or training? Identify at least two places:
You can get a degree from going to school at a university and a college
What are the entrance requirements to one of the educational institutions that you identified?
Was not able to find this information.
What is an option if you cannot meet the entrance requirements or are not interested in attending university?
Was not able to find this information.
Identify the average salary or wage for the career or job (indicate if the information is not available).:
What are the opportunities or future prospects for the career or job (indicate if the information is not available)?
Was not able to find this information.
Identify three other related careers or jobs in the same area:
Business(owning a business, managing a company, realestate.
Does this career appeal to you? Explain why or why not:
It could because im interested in a type of business and  managing something but probably not this job in specific.
Explain what you have learned as a result of the career or job search process.
While i was searching for jobs that have anything to do with business or managing like 80% of the jobs make over $100,000 and that is an ideal salary.

Unit 2 Summary Assignment

Damon Douglas

Math 9

This Unit I have learned to Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Dividing Fractions. Once you get the formula and understand how the formula works it gets easier.

I will explain how to Divide a simple fraction question and also a more difficult fraction question.

  1.  The first step that you need to follow is when you have a division question is you have to find the reciprocal of the fraction you are dividing the fraction by, like so:
  2. The second step after you have the product shown above then you must change the symbol to a multiplication. It should look like this:   
  3. The third step is you cross reduce your fractions since they are now in multiplication form. Cross reducing is when you are able to reduce the numbers diagonally across from each other like so:                                                                    
  4. The fourth step is resolving the question. Since it is now a multiplication question you just multiply the numerator by the second numerator and the denominator by the second denominator like so:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   This will be the more difficult equation:                                                                                             You have to use the same steps but with this equation you must cross reduce 2 times instead of 1: