451 Documentary

Fahrenheit In Flames

Below is our entire documentary:

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Below is our movie poster:

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Below is our milanote planning for this project:

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Finally is our paragraph to explain or documentary:

Banned and Challenged Books

Censorship and Challenged/Banned Books

Censorship, this can occur on the internet, books, television, and other medium. Censorship can be words that get censored, or video clips are inappropriate. When this happens the TV show or book or internet page gets taken down until the issue had been addressed then released again. There is a difference between banned and challenged books. The difference is when a book is challenged its an attempt to remove part of the book or television show. When a book is banned, it is a full removal or the book or television show from being on cable. A book that is challenged is called “America” written by E. R. Frank. The reason why they challenged it, is because of sexual references, drug and alcohol use. Fahrenheit 451 could be challenged for a the reason that the book counterbalances reading books and education. This is shown in the novel by the firefighters lighting all books and houses on fire if there are books inside the house. We had just found out that they even burnt down a house with books in it while a lady was in the house.

Visual Literacy Write

This is the photo I selected for my write:

Visual literacy is the ability to read, write and create visual images. It is a concept that relates to art and design. I think all of the images that I was able to chose from were mostly related to the pandemic lockdown in 2020. I say that because there was multiple pictures that I’d say represents obesity and then others that represented a lot of people building a strong addiction to phones and other technology. This photo specifically is very strongly related to the pandemic because when we were middle pandemic. Many people thought that all food supplies and things that humans need to survive were all going to just stop being made. For some reason people were mostly scared of running out of toilet paper. There was no toilet paper on the shelves in store anywhere you went because of selfish, scared and paranoid people like the ones shown in this image trying to steal the toilet paper from its own place. I’m not sure if this incident of no toilet paper was going on anywhere else in the world other than Canada. I wonder if this was happening in the US or in Europe or anywhere else or maybe it was just a couple dumb Canadians that started this toilet paper domino effect. I was in Ontario during a very short period of time during the pandemic by myself and it was crazy seeing all these crazy people going crazy over toilet paper. Just think of how dumb this event really was. It was never necessary, if people weren’t hording all the toilet paper then there wouldn’t have been a shortage in the first place.