Modeling Mitosis lab


During the Interphase the cell is replicating its DNA and getting ready to start the mitosis phases.


Prophase of mitosis is the first stage of mitosis. The prophase happens when the centrioles are formed and the chromatin is still stored in the nucleus.


The nucleus dissolves and the chromatid turns too chromosomes and the centrioles pull certain chromosomes to create a vertical line in the middle of the cell called a mitotic spindle.


During anaphase the sister chromatids are separated (the chromosomes are separated once again) and they are pulled by the centrioles to opposite sides of the cell.


During the telophase the a nuclear membrane is formed and the cells are starting to separate into 2 identical cells.


Cytokinesis is the final step of mitosis this is when the cells finally separate into 2 identical cells. The cell pinches together along the middle (the equator) to separate.

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