Damon Douglas
How might your digital
footprint affect your future
opportunities? Give at least 2
- If your employer find out maybe you do bad stuff on the side that no one knows.
- It could also benefit you because if you have good things written about you, it could help you get into Universities or jobs.
How could social media be
used in a positive manner?
- Spreading awareness for a cause that needs support to help the cause excel.
Describe at least 3 strategies that
you can use to keep your digital
footprint appropriate and safe.
- Treat others using the social platform with respect.
- Don’t post anything that can harm other people like photos of people or bad text’s about them.
- Don’t do things that will come back around and harm you later on like getting declined by a school for their digital footprint because good schools will look to see what you have done.
Work citation:
“Footprint” by Damian Gadal is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“Automotive Social Media Marketing” by socialautomotive is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“Collège Notre-Dame (Montréal).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Sept. 2022, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coll%C3%A8ge_Notre-Dame_%28Montr%C3%A9al%29.
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Mr. Barazzuol