- How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.
Your digital footprint can have both a positive and negative impact on future opportunities depending on the content your digital footprint contains. The information posted in your digital footprint can never be erased and has the potential to either hurt or help your success later in life.
If your digital footprint includes negative information (such as a picture of you smoking a illegal drugs) it could impact your ability to find a job. In addition to missed job opportunities, a poor digital footprint can lead to public sharing of your personal information and negatively impacting personal relationships such as with your parents. For example, if your parents view a video online that shows you shoplifting this can impact the activities that they allow you to participate in. They may not allow you to attend activities such as cadets or summer camps which can negatively impact your development which could then impact your future opportunities and success. In addition, educational opportunities can be impacted. For example having your offer to attend university withdrawn because you posted racial comments on a social media site. In cases like these you may not have the intention for this information to become public but you have little control over this – the internet is public!
However, if you have a positive digital footprint, it could have the opposite effects and provide good opportunities. For example, if your digital footprint contains information showing that you volunteer and perform community service then this could improve future opportunities such as finding a job or helping you enter university.
- Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe
Three strategies I would recommend for keeping your digital footprint appropriate and safe are:
a. Be responsible on Social Media
Do not disclose personal information or information (including pictures, videos, and text) that reflects on you in a negative way. Think before you post! Once information is on the internet is not possible to remove it and this information can be discovered and viewed by almost anyone.
b. Be Smart when Browsing the Internet
Be certain of the sites to visit. Do not visit sites where the content makes you feel uncomfortable or you are unsure of what you are viewing. If you notice someone visiting a site that you feel is not appropriate tell an adult.
c. Activate Social Media Privacy Settings and use Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
All social media sites have privacy settings. Make your accounts are set to private and you manually approve new friends and followers. You can also use VPNs to set up a private and secure network between your computer and the internet.
- What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?
I learned that the information you post online about yourself matters! You can choose whether your digital footprint impacts you in a negative or positive way by thinking before you post and setting up social media sites securely so that you are in control of the content that is posted on them through taking actions such as making accounts private and not sharing username and passwords.
I would also encourage other students to limit the amount of time spent on social media and focus on other activities such as sports and spending time with friends and family. Finding time for these other activities also help you grow and therefore help improve your chances of success later in life.
I could share what I learned with other students by having conversations with my friends and then encouraging them to have the same conversation with their friends. I could also use technology, like Teams, to share to a larger group of students.
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