- Strength: Copy and paste one or more core competencies and explain how you showed strength in this area. Use specific examples from the course as evidence.
Collaboration: I can confidently interact and build relationships with other group members to further shred goals.
During-the World War 1 project, I always finished my part in time and ensured all work was distributed evenly between my peers. We all worked together to complete the project on time and ensure we had reliable sources and information. I shared any ideas I had and actively listened to my peers. I helped resolves conflicts during our project and ensured we all had an equal understanding of why was going on.
- Area for Growth: Copy and paste one or more core competencies and explain how you could grow in this area. Use specific examples from the course as evidence.
Communication: I communicate purposefully, using forms and strategies I have practiced.
I believe I could improve on this core competency as I would like to participate more in class discussions. I can communicate well in small groups and actively listen to others, but I need to communicate more in larger groups. I try to use strategies I have practiced.