Consumable Waste Plan

Think about the foods you usually eat: 

  • How many of these foods come in different types of packaging? 

      Personally, every item my family buys for food is packaged differently. Unless the item is from the same brand, the packaging is typically unique. Even when the products are the same brand the packaging is personalized for that specific type of food or product.  

  • What packaging materials are usually used (Styrofoam, cardboard, plastic, bags, boxes, etc.)? 

     Most food my family purchases are either made of cardboard, plastic, or Styrofoam. Occasionally there may be a few new materials that foods have been packed in that we purchased. Any granola products are normally made of cardboard with the actual food product wrapped in plastic. When we buy meat the base is Styrofoam while there is saran wrap to protect the meat. Any fruits or vegetables always come in a plastic container. 

  •  Why do you think these materials were chosen specifically for the products purchased? 

     Security is the key reason. Packaging businesses create a special package that may be perfect for the kind of food. Companies invest a lot of time and money in research to find the finest packaging solutions that can shield products from dust, light, and chemical reactions. Poor food packing degrades a product’s flavour and quality.  

  • How is packaging both positive and negative for the consumer (the person using it)? 

     Particularly with luxury goods, good packaging can persuade customers to believe in the contents within and pay the price. Consumer behaviour can be affected by premium branding and packaging; most consumers are more inclined to repurchase a luxury good if it has premium packaging. The packaging can draw customers; therefore, it is crucial that it is honest and eye-catching since that is what draws customers. Packaging that is poorly thought-out may not accurately represent the product’s components, which could have detrimental effects on one’s health. 

  • What happens to these packaging materials once we have eaten the food inside? 

     Garbage must go through several procedures once it is thrown out before it can be used again. Materials are initially gathered from residential areas and curbsides and sent to sorting facilities for material recovery. Sorting comes next. Recyclables must be classified based on the materials they are made of, such as glass, metal, paper, or plastic. The garbage is then reduced after sorting, to make sure nothing is glued together, they shred everything during this procedure. Afterwards, they separate the elements once again. The waste can be further divided by weight with wind sifters or by density with float-sink techniques in water. Then the leftover trash will be thoroughly cleaned, it is then cut into assorted sizes and shapes for easy utilization. Finally, the waste is sold to factories that produce textiles or sheets, where they are transformed into new goods. 

  • Where is the packaging waste after one day? One year? One hundred years? 

     After a day, your waste is still being transported to a facility for sorting or is awaiting the procedure to reuse that waste. The waste may have been recycled after a year or it could have rotted away in a landfill and produced methane. In 100 years, the garbage could have gone through multiple cycles of decomposition, or it could have rotted away at a landfill. 

  • What happens to food waste? 

     “Wasted food” refers to food that was not utilized for what it was intended for and is handled in a variety of ways, including composting, disposal in landfills, or burning in facilities. It may also be donated to feed the hungry or made into animal feed. Food waste that is not recycled may be disposed of in landfills, where it rots and releases methane, a dangerous greenhouse gas that is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. This has a significant negative impact on the environment. 

  • Provide 3-4 suggestions for ways that consumers can decrease the amount of waste we create. 

     By making meal plans, using shopping lists, and avoiding impulsive buys, consumers can significantly reduce food waste. Another option to cut waste might be to use reusable shopping bags so you are not buying unnecessary plastic. By purchasing in bulk rather than in smaller quantities, you make fewer purchases overall and use less plastic. When packing food, try to use containers or another option for plastic bags. 

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