In this video, we introduced non-restrictive and restrictive appositives. An appositive is a noun or a noun phrase that explains, distinguishes, depicts, or in any case renames another noun or noun phrase. For instance, the sentence “My cousin Becky is a specialist” contains the appositive noun, Becky. The appositive Becky recognizes the noun cousin, and the two words allude to a similar individual. An appositive can likewise be a noun phrase as in the sentence That man, the one singing melodies, is a jolly man. Nouns/noun phrases and their appositives are supposed to be contrary to one another. The demonstration of utilizing appositives in sentences is likewise alluded to as a relation. Appositives are a fantastic syntactic device as it permits us to make our sentences understood and frequently, more exciting. Normally, an appositive sentence is set right close to the noun/noun phrase that it changes. As a general rule, appositives normally come after their noun accomplices however setting an appositive first is conceivable. The sentence “A magnificent gourmet specialist, Robert, was beloved by everybody” is an illustration of a sentence that puts an appositive before a noun.
Appositives can be categorized as either restrictive or non-restrictive restrictive appositive provides information that is essential, whereas a non-restrictive appositive provides information that merely provides bonus details. This is the difference between the two types of appositives.
Let’s look at a non-restrictive appositive as an example:
“Mary S. Smith, president of the cooking company, made excellent decisions”.
The president of the company is identified by the appositive in this sentence. However, since the business only has one president, we would not actually need to know their name to identify the subject at hand. Even if the appositive were removed, this sentence would still have the same meaning and make sense, indicating that the appositive is non-restrictive.
Let’s now examine a sentence including a restrictive appositive:
“Within the cooking industry, only my friends John and Em are left-handed”. In this sentence, the appositive Jonh and Em distinguish explicitly which of our numerous companions we are discussing. We couldn’t say what we wanted to say without this appositive. Additionally, the sentence becomes “My friends are the only ones who are left-handed” when the appositive is removed, which results in an absurd sentence. As a result, this appositive is a restrictive one because our sentences cannot function without it.
Test Questions
1) What is the definition of a non-restrictive appositive?
a – Non-restrictive appositives are not set off with commas.
b – Information that is necessary to identify the phrase is provided by a non-restrictive appositive.
c – A non-restrictive appositive would have the same meaning if you removed the appositive.
d –A nonrestrictive appositive describes a word whose meaning is not already clear without the additional words.
2) What is the definition of an appositive?
a – An appositive is a noun or pronoun set beside another noun or pronoun to explain or identify it.
b – An appositive is an adjective set beside another adjective to explain or identify it.
c – A comma-separated sentence is an appositive.
d – An appositive is a word to describe another word to explain or identify it.
3) Which of the following sentences includes the appositive?
a – My teacher, however, did not believe my favourite food was mushy peas.
b – When I was ready to eat my vegetable salad my dog tripped over the table leg.
c – I went to the store to buy peas, carrots, and mushrooms to cook dinner for my children, Makayla and John.
d – In our family, everyone enjoys vegetables, specifically green vegetables.
4) Which of the following sentences does not include the appositive?
a – A professional cook, Rob practised chopping vegetables every day for two weeks.
b – Rob, an excellent chef was awarded employee of the month.
c – Robs last cooking battle was against a tough opponent, a former champion.
d – Rob was an excellent chef, he retired in 2022 due to old age.
5) Which of the following sentences are restrictive appositives?
a – My brother Sam cooks peas soup at least twice a week.
b – Sam, my brother cooks pea soup at least twice a week.
c –My brother cooks pea soup at least twice a week.
d – Twice a week, Sam, my brother cooks pea soup.
Answer key:
- A
- C
- D
- A
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