What is a digital footprint?
Your digital footprint is the recording of all your online actions and communications that can somehow go back to your person. Once anything is published or online, it may be there forever.
How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?
If you go to an interview and the interviewee researches your name after you get your interview and finds information that is unprofessional, or you posted photos of inappropriate behavior will most likely affect your chances of getting employed for the job. As well if they find information that states you have lied on your resume will also most likely affect your opportunities for the job. Saying you posted something in the past you were not proud of and took it down within a couple of days and the interviewee researches your name and these old photos or comments come up. You may have thought these were deleted and gone forever but what goes on social media is never actually gone, people can save and screenshot these posts and comments which will now always be on their phone. Finding past things, you have posted and disagree with now can affect how they might see you or change their opinion of you.
How could social media be used in a positive manner?
- Stay in touch with friends and family nearby and faraway
- Getting inspiration from content creators
- Building friendships with people minded like you
- Ways to educate yourself that may help you have a better understanding
- Share stories and photos that remind you of important people in your life
- Using social media to help with homework and class projects
- In today’s society social media is used for daily activities and is the main source for communication. If we use social media for only appropriate purposes, it can help with decision making, access to valuable information and can help increase social interactions and make yourself more visible.
What red flags or warnings would indicate that someone you are talking to online may in fact be unsafe?
Some red flags may be the person you are communicating with is posting inappropriate and/or suspicious photos or comments. Another red flag may be their personality changes frequently when talking to them. As well as noticing they act differently towards you than to other people. An example could be said person being really friendly and always offering you help and being there for you, while they are writing harsh and inappropriate comments and posts towards other people. If you notice the other person is following or liking inappropriate accounts could be an indication that this person could be older than you may have expected.
How to avoid a negative digital footprint.
Deactivate old or unused accounts- Think about what you are posting and if it can be harmful to others
- Avoid posting personal information online
- Updating apps and software
- Do not click on spam or random links
Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:
– You provided complete details to answer the three questions regarding responsible online use
– You included appropriate photos or media as instructed but consider using share-friendly sources
– You could consider adding a comment (See how here: https://youtu.be/jHfzyfXfgAo) and detailed picture citations
Thank you,
Mr. Robinson
COL Teacher for ADL10
Riverside Secondary School