Friday, January 31, 2025

We’ll begin with a land acknowledgement.

Today is Day #1 of our Historical Thinking Bootcamp!  We will start with Historical Evidence

  1. Background learning on different types of sources used to study history
  2. Formative Assessment using Quizziz
  3. Authenticity of sources
  4. Examples to support learning
  5. Self assess – how do you feel about today’s lesson?  Good? I’m starting to understand but need more time and practice?  I’m totally lost?

HOMEWORK:  Ensure you land acknowledgement is in paragraph format for Monday.  Be sure to practice, especially the pronunciation of the nation(s)!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

  1. Answers to your questions from yesterday
  2. Let’s learn more about the Kwikwetlem First Nation
  3. Class time to work on your personalized, authentic land acknowledgement in OneNote
    a) have you answered all the questions in the chart?
    b) create a cohesive paragraph using information from your chart

1. Have a completed Land Acknowledgement for Friday
2. Read through the website overviewing the 6 Historical Thinking Skills 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Gung Hai Fat Choi!  Happy Lunar New Year – this is the Year of the Snake.

Today’s focus is land acknowledgements.

  1.  Who has heard one before?  Where?
  2. Why do we do them?
  3. What elements are important to include to make a land acknowledgement genuine and not performative?  Let’s watch this video.  As you are watching the video, please complete the provided handout.
  4. Review the key ideas
  5. Begin brainstorming your land acknowledgement – there is an assignment to complete in OneNote under “Unit 1”

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

In class today you will work on pulling information together and determining “big ideas” in your Preparation for the Unit 7 Assessment document in OneNote.

Remember the 3 key themes for the unit:
1. BC is a province built upon resources and industry
2. BC is a province built upon ethnic diversity
3. BC is a province built by historically significant individuals

1. Ensure you have completed all activities in the unit as well as your reparation document – everything can be used on the assessment. 
2. Make sure your device is charged and you have your charger!
3. Bring a pen or pencil to write with

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Today you will have the opportunity to learn about historically significant individuals who helped build BC – some you have already been introduced to and others will be new to you today.  How will you demonstrate your learning – but completing all parts of the Escape Room!

1. Ensure all activities in the unit are completed
2. Work on gathering ideas in your Preparation for Unit 7 assessment document in OneNote

Monday, January 13, 2025

Today you will be watching Episode 3 of “BC:  An Untold History”.  This episode focusses on 3 key immigrant groups who helped build the province – Chinese, Japanese, South Asian.

We will begin by brainstorming what we have already learned from last week’s activities in an activity in OneNote.  While watching the video, continue to add to your chart.


  1. Ensure all assignments for the unit are complete
  2. Transfer learning and “big ideas” to unit test preparation document in OneNote

Friday, January 10, 2025

We will begin with a land acknowledgement.

Today’s focus is on ethnic groups who contributed to the building of the province.  What was life like for them?

a) There is a matching activity to complete in OneNote while you are watching Episode 2 of BC:  An Unknown History.

b) With remaining time, work on an assignment that needs completing.

Lastly, I will explain how to prepare for the unit assessment using the provided graphic organizer in One Note – this is your “cheat sheet” to use on the test!

1. Ensure all assignments from this week are completed
2. Transfer your learning from this week to the graphic organizer “Preparing for the Unit Assessment”