Dystopia is a futuristic, imaged universe with the illusion of a perfect society. A dystopian society uses propaganda to control the citizens of the society. With a front man who is worshiped by the society. With everyone under 24-hour surveillance. Where no one feels safe anywhere at any time. Every citizen is the same with no uniqueness or individuality. An example is the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is a well-known movie series that deals with a frightening world controlled by a totalitarian government that limits the right of its citizens. There is also The 100 a TV series based on a world that had been destroyed. In the short film “Model Citizens” by Dead Sound we see a dystopian society. The people we see in the film have nothing that defines them. They are also fine with just with being killed after they fulfilled their job of raising a model citizen, this is propaganda they are convinced they only have one purpose in live and that’s all they need.