Tag Archives: 20volts

Currents from the Kitchen- Lab


Which fruit will produce the most electric voltage?


When the most acidic fruit/vegetables is plugged in, it will produce the highest voltage.


  • 1 Voltmeter
  • 2 Wires
  • 1 Nail
  • 1 Copper strip
  • Minimum of 3 fruit/vegetables


  1. Prepare all materials
  2. Hook one wire to the positive outlet (red nob) hook the other wire to the third negative outlet (3rd black nob)
  3. Stick the copper strip and the nail into fruit 1.
  4. Connect one wire to the copper strip and one on the nail.
  5. Then measure the voltage and observe.
  6. Then repeat with other fruits.


Strong acids have more electrolytes, and stronger acids can be an ion producer creating a voltage. So, therefore fruits/vegetables with the most acidity will create the bigger voltage.

Fruit Voltage
Apple .1 volts
Orange .3 volts
Nectarine .05 volts



When we connected the wire, nothing happened. We got new wires and it started moving

Very small movement

The orange had the largest voltage


The orange had the largest voltage. Out of the tree fruits we use the orange is the most acidic so I will say my hypothesis is correct in saying the most acidic fruit would have the larges voltage. I am interested in using different fruits or vegetables.

  1. The electrons flow throw the fruit because of the copper, and acid involved in the set up.
  2. Independent variable: fruit
  3. Dependent variable: voltmeter
  4. Controlled variable: zinc nail and copper
  5. Use multiple fruits at once or use different types of fruit
  6. The function of the wires. We cannot tell if the wire is working and if it is not witch wire.
  7. You could use the fruit to power light when there is a power outage

Currents from the Kitchen- Pre Lab


Which fruit will produce the most electric voltage?


When the most acidic fruit/vegetables is plugged in, it will produce the highest voltage.


  • 1 Voltmeter
  • 2 Wires
  • 1 Nail
  • 1 Copper strip
  • Minimum of 3 fruit/vegetables


  1. Prepare all materials
  2. Hook one wire to the positive outlet (red nob) hook the other wire to the third negative outlet (3rd black nob)
  3. Stick the copper strip and the nail into fruit 1.
  4. Connect one wire to the copper strip and one on the nail.
  5. Then measure the voltage and observe.
  6. Then repeat with other fruits.


Strong acids have more electrolytes, and stronger acids can be an ion producer creating a voltage. So, therefore fruits/vegetables with the most acidity will create the bigger voltage.